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Updated: August 5, 2024

Parikshit will rule in Hastinapura, while the Yadava prince, Vajra, will rule in Shakraprastha. He should be protected by thee. Never set thy heart on unrighteousness. "'Having said these words, king Yudhishthira the just, along with his brothers, promptly offered oblations of water unto Vasudeva of great intelligence, as also unto his old maternal uncle and Rama and others.

And having manufactured it, he joyfully addressed Indra, saying, "With this foremost of weapons, O exalted one, reduce that fierce foe of the gods to ashes. And having slain the foe, rule thou happily the entire domain of heaven, O chief of the celestials, with those that follow thee." And thus addressed by Twashtri, Purandara took the Vajra from his hand, joyfully and with proper respect."

In this sloka the word Vajra is used as associated with the thunder and therefore, as thunder is accompanied by lightning so the bows of the warriors are the lightning-marks of this particular Vajra. The word is Uttaradhus which seems to be very doubtful. Yenarjunastena, Yena is yatra and tena is tatra, as Nilakantha rightly explains. The meaning is "who would be there where Arjuna would be."

Then, O Bharata, loud were the shouts uttered by thy sons and deafening the clatter of cars and the uproar of musical instruments. Incapable of being defeated by enemies, it looked beautiful in every point. Beholding then the array called Mandala that was exceedingly fierce, king Yudhishthira himself disposed his troops in the array called Vajra.

The comparison is very feeble, for Bhima's mace, in the popular estimation, is much heavier and stouter than any parigha manufactured for human combatants. Prachakarsha is, lit. dragged. I think, however, the root krish must be taken here in the sense of crush. The name Vajra implies either a hard needle for boring diamonds and gems, or the thunder-bolt.

And struck with Indra's Vajra the great Asura decked in gold and garlands fell head-long, like the great mountain Mandara hurled of yore from Vishnu's hands; and although the prince of Daityas was slain, yet Sakra in panic ran from the field, desiring to take shelter in a lake, thinking that the Vajra itself had not been hurled from his hands and regarding that Vritra himself was still alive.

With these bones of his, make ye a fierce and powerful weapon to be called Vajra, endued with six sides and terrible roar and capable of destroying even the most powerful enemies. With that weapon will he of a hundred sacrifices slay Vritra. I have now told you all. See that all this is done speedily."

Those men who had followed Arjuna from Dwaravati, were distributed into groups, and bestowed upon Vajra. Having done all these acts suited to the occasion, Arjuna, with eyes bathed in tears, then entered the retreat of Vyasa. There he beheld the Island-born Rishi seated at his ease."

Keeping in view this precept of the great Rishi, array our troops, O son of Pandu. Hearing this, that son of Pandu answered king Yudhishthira the just, saying, 'That immovable array known by the name of Vajra, which was designed by the wielder of the thunder-bolt, that invincible array is the one that I will make for thee, O best of kings.

Beholding that mountain-like mass of antimony, with countless weapons falling from it, Drona's son was not at all moved. The latter invoked into existence the Vajra weapon. The prince of mountains, then, struck with that weapon, was quickly destroyed.

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