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Updated: August 20, 2024

So I opens de door sof', an' steals in t'rough all de rooms to de las' one, and hides myse'f in de folds ob de curtain as was drawed up one side o' de door. So, sure 'nough, he was a-tellin' of her 'bout de plot ag'n my ladyship, and how dey would 'trive t'rough de wallysham to make her appear guilty, so he could get a 'vorce from her, and keep her fortin, and marry Fustunner!"

'It would trive away awal the tiamont mershants togetheer! U-u-og! 'Right you are, murmured Dave; and then in a louder tone, 'Can you trust your people to keep silent? 'Ah! neffear fe-ur; tay know it is for tare goo-et. 'Where are they? 'The attendants? queried the captain. 'Two are in charge of the pavilion, which remains closed.

"Trive on a step, and I will get out and see apout me," said Betty: "I know the look of the house, as well as I know any thing." Betty got out of the coach, and walked up and down the street, looking at the houses like one bewildered.

If you ket up, tat will pe you are a Cawmill. No, no, my son! You are ferry cruel to your own old daddy. She would pe too much sorry for her poy to hate him. It will pe so treadful to pe a Cawmill! No, no, my poy! She would take you to her poosom, and tat would trive ta Cawmill out of you. Put ton't speak of it any more, my son, for it cannot pe.

Last night she would haf made a puoy of his skin like any other tog's skin, and totay no, my son, it wass a fery efil tream. And to be tolt tat ta creat tefil, Clenlyon herself, was not fery much tamned! it wass a fery efil tream, my son." "Weel, daddy maybe ye 'll tak it for ill news, but ye killed naebody." "Tid she'll not trive her turk into ta tog?" cried Duncan fiercely. "Och hone! och hone!

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