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Into willing Mussulman ears he poured a tirade of abuse, typical of the epoch and the nation he represented: ...proh si scires quam morbosum, quam pestiferum; quamque contagiosum pecus istud de quo loqueris sit, tactu omnia fedant, visu corrumpunt sermone destruunt, divina et humana preturbant, inficiunt, prostrant miseros vicinos circumveniunt, radicitus expellant, funestant; ubicumque pecunias esse presentiunt, tamquam odori canes insequunt; detegunt, effundiunt, per mendacia, perjuria, dolos insidias per litas, si catera non seppelunt, extorquere illas laborant: aliena miseria, dolore, gemitu, mestitia gaudent.

But the original, what would I not give to have it in my hands, to touch the very parchment which came from the press of my revered ancestor, and, gloating on the crabbed letters, confute MacCribb to his face ipso visu et tactu of so inestimable a rarity. Exchanges or "swaps," as the vulgar call them are not unknown among our fraternity.

This is admitted by every one who worships trees, wells, and stones; and indeed it stands to reason, for it is but a branch of the well-known 'Sanctificatio ex loco, opere, tactu vel conditione. I will admit that this power is but vague, slight, tenuous, and dissipatory, still there it is: though of course its poor effect is to that of the Benedictio major what a cat's-paw in the Solent is to a north-east snorter on Lindsey Deeps.

Reading these elucubrations of Alfonso's, one feels that the saint has pondered long and lovingly upon themes like an et quando peccata sint oscula or de tactu et adspectu corporis; he writes with all the authority of an expert whose richly-varied experiences in the confessional have been amplified and irradiated by divine inspiration.

Phil. 189 αχω τηλεφανης; Cic. De Or. 2, 60 illorum tactu orationem meam quasi colorari. NESCIO QUO PACTO: literally, 'I know not on what terms'; quite interchangeable with nescio quo modo; cf. 82. ADHUC NON: purposely put for nondum, because more emphasis is thus thrown both on the time-word and on the negation.