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Young men should be eager, fervid, sublimis cupidusque, as I was before my beard grew stiff. But this young man had the air of a spectator at a play, composing himself to be amused. There was too much wisdom in him and too little emotion.

And he afterwards quotes from Weitbrecht, who had "observé dans un cas l'absence simultanée aux deux mains et aux deux pieds, de quelques doigts, de quelques metacarpiens et metatarsiens, enfin de quelques os du carpe et du tarse." P.t. Pronator teres. F.s. Flexor sublimis digitorum. F.p. Flexor profundus digitorum. F.l.p.

Within a few feet of the spot where I was thus suspended in sublimis, the rock projected a little outward, so as to break the force of the current.

She carries a scarf which behaves as no fabric known to me would behave even under such exceptional and thrilling circumstances. Dr. Carl Giehlow has recently suggested that this splendid engraving illustrates the following Latin verses by Poliziano: Est dea, quse vacuo sublimis in aere pendens It nimbo succincta latus, sed candida pallam, Sed radiata comam, ac stridentibus insonat alis.

The eulogium of Ovid is "Carmina sublimis tunc sunt peritura Lucretî, Exitio terras quum dabit una dies." Elegiac poetry has an honorable place in Roman literature. To this school belongs Ovid, born 43 B.C., died 18 A.D., whose "Tristia," a doleful description of the evils of exile, were much admired by the Romans.

"Carmina sublimis tune sunt peritura Lucreti, Exitio terras quum dabit una dies." Elegiac poetry has an honorable place in Roman literature. Milton thinks he could have surpassed Virgil had he attempted epic poetry. He was nearest to the romantic school of all the classical authors, and Chaucer, Ariosto, and Spenser owe to him great obligations. Like Pope, his verses flowed spontaneously.

Ad quatuor autem leucas de Nazareth, est Cana Galileae, vbi Christus ad vrbanas matris preces, mutauit vndam in vinum optimum. Thabor est in medio Galileae, campus mira iucunditate sublimis, distans a Diotesaria 3. milliaribus contra Orientem. Item de Nazareth in tres leucas est villa, seu castrum Zaffara, de quo recolo me supradixisse capite 4.

On flexing the wrist, the hand is tilted to the radial side, but the paralysis of the flexor carpi ulnaris is often compensated for by the action of the palmaris longus. The little and ring fingers can be flexed to a slight degree by the slips of the flexor sublimis attached to them and supplied by the median nerve; flexion of the terminal phalanx of the little finger is almost impossible.

How aptly does Horace's description of the young man apply to the people! Imberbis juvenis, tandem custode remoto Gaudet equis, canibusque et aprici gramine campi; Cereus in vitium flecti, monitoribus asper, Utilium tardus provisor, prodigus æris, Sublimis, cupidusque et amata relinquere pernix.