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Frank, in the mean time, was occupied in exhibiting to Willie his drum, and in preventing him, partly by moral suasion, but chiefly by main force, from gratifying his ardent desire to pound upon it. "And here is our little brother," said the captain, lifting Willie, notwithstanding his struggles and kicks, and kissing his shy, pouting cheeks. "He'll make a nice drummer boy too, one of these days."

For whatever one may think of the wisdom of the policy adopted by the Supreme Council toward the unprivileged states, it would be difficult to justify the manner in which they imposed it. Patience, tact, and suasion are indispensable requisites in men who assume the functions of leaders and guides, yet know that military force alone is inadequate to shape the future after their conception.

"Forgets to obey orders.... Responds to no form of per...suasion. M-e-m-o-r-y, nil." "All right. Take this to barracks B.... Fourth building, to the right; shake a leg," said the recruiting sergeant. Andrews drew a deep breath of the sparkling air outside. He stood irresolutely a moment on the wooden steps of the building looking down the row of hastily constructed barracks.

"Oh, but that's dealing with the natives by force." "Very good force too, old fellow; for I don't believe that thick-lipped, sensual looking fellow would take much notice of what you say if we weren't here." "Yes; but I want to deal with them by moral suasion." "Rifles are much better. There's no occasion to use them; it's their being at hand if they are wanted that will do the trick."

But 'neath the suasion of Galliard's inexorable eye he sat limp and docile, vowing to himself that on the morrow he would lay the matter before Lord Middleton, and thus not only endeavour to make amends for his present guilty silence, but rid himself also of the companionship of this ruffianly Sir Crispin, to whom no doubt a hempen justice would be meted.

Becker, in the nondescript but excellent quality of the gray suiting, the polished, square-toed, custom-made shoes, the little linen string of necktie, one for each day, the kind, despite family suasion, he had always worn. But it was difficult for him to speak now because he was always blinking and looking off.

Nor was she aware, until several days later, that in the course of a slight argument which he had indulged in with one of the syndicate's men, whom he had caught red-handed in the act of branding a VN calf whose mother lay in a nearby gully with a bullet hole in her head, he had resorted to a little "six-gun suasion" with the result that the other fellow was in the hospital at Leadville, while Douglass nursed an ugly flesh wound in his shoulder.

But anon no doubt in obedience to the overbearing suasion of my Lady Castlemaine he returned to the attack, and sent the Chancellor his orders in a letter demanding unquestioning obedience. "Use your best endeavours," wrote Charles, "to facilitate what I am sure my honour is so much concerned in.

And no doubt of it: he loved that woman utterly! During these days of his ignorance, while Maggie was struggling in the darkness of her unexplored being, Larry drove himself grimly at the business to which under happier circumstances he would have gone under the irresistible suasion of pure joy.

In the East that was not the case. There was a bitter feud between the Garrisonians, who relied on moral suasion, and the advocates of political action. All Ohio Abolitionists were ready and eager to employ the ballot. There is another name, in speaking of Ohio, that must not be omitted. Dr.