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A row of packing-cases clogged the sidewalk at the point where they stood, and the young man dropped down wearily upon one of them, and leaned back against the store-front. "Beany?" repeated Varney. "It was dark down on the river," observed the other slowly, "but the instant I saw you on the square, I recognized you, and so, my friend, will everybody else."

But when the midday hour arrived she slipped into her jacket, past the importunities of Hattie Krakow, and out into the sun-lashed noonday swarm of Sixth Avenue. Down one block two, three; then a sudden pause before a narrow store-front liberally placarded with invitatory signs to the public, and with a red cross blazoning above the doorway.

When they were done he felt less personal interest in them than in the architectural beauty of the store-front, whose window-shutters he had never helped to close without a little heart-leap of pleasure. But, standing thus, and looking in at the machinery, a man touched him on the shoulder. "Good-morning," said the man. He wore a pleasant air.

She shivered. A grocer next to the hotel was adjusting a swinging shelf affixed to the store-front, preparatory to piling his wares upon it; a lean-faced man standing in a doorway in the building adjoining the grocery was inspecting a six-shooter that he had removed from the holster at his side. Rosalind shivered again. Civilization and outlawry were strangely mingled here.

Lipkind's store-front and which invariably captioned his four inches of Sunday-news-paper advertisement: SAMMY LIPKIND WANTS YOUR HEAD As near as it is possible for the eye to simulate the heart, there was exactly that sentiment in his glance now as he found out Miss Bloom, she in a purple-felt hat and the black scallops of escaping hair, blacker because the red was out in her cheeks.

"Ain't it, though?" "Look! What's in there a exhibit?" They paused before a white-lighted store-front, and read, laboriously: FREE TUBERCULOSIS EXHIBIT "Oh!" She dragged at his arm. "Aw, come on, Sweetness; nothing but a lot of T.B.'s." "Let's let's go in. See, it's free. Looka! it's all lit up and all; see, pictures and all." "Say, ain't I enough of a dead one without dragging me in there? Free!