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KORITTO: I begged him to tell me but he swore he wouldn't, that's how much he thought of me, Metro dear. A lascivious dance of the old Greek comedy. Any person who performed this dance except upon the stage was considered drunk or dissolute. Many ancient authors and scholiasts have commented upon the looseness and sex appeal of this dance.

It was Cytheris, the fickle actress if the scholiasts are right who opened his eyes to the fact that there were themes for passionate poetry nearer home than the legendary love-tales; and when she forgot him, finding excitement elsewhere during his months of service with Octavian, he nursed his morbid grief in un-Roman self-pity, this first poet of the poitrinaire school.

I might have slept some four or five hours, and a dreamless and satisfying sleep it was; but certain it is let scholiasts say what they will, and skeptics throw doubts by handfulls on the assertions of metaphysicians that, before I awoke, and in my dreamless slumber, I had a visible perception of peril a consciousness of the hovering presence of death!

They doubtless owe their origin to Pollio's position as a poet, and Pollio's interest in young men of letters. With regard to Alfenus and Gallus, the scholiasts remained somewhat nearer the truth, for they had at hand a speech of Callus criticizing the former for his behavior at Mantua.

The medieval scholiasts, who fought as fiercely about names as nations about territories, divided men into the sanguine, the bilious, the lymphatic and the nervous. It was a pretty crude classification of different constitutions.

I hope that the letters and notes may help to make a side of FitzGerald, the simple human manly side, better known, and to enable my readers to judge his memory from the point of view of those old shrimpers by the new basin as a "good gennleman," as a noble-hearted, courageous man, as well as the more artificial scholar who quotes Attic scholiasts in a playful way as though they were school classics.

If, however, we examine these statements in the light of facts provided by independent sources we shall find that the whole structure based upon the subjective inferences of the scholiasts falls to the ground. We must first follow Pollio's career through this period.

He drove out Herr Boettiger, for example, among that fodder delicious to him for its very dryness, that sapless Arcadia of scholiasts, let him graze, ruminate, and go through all other needful processes of the antiquarian organism, then got him quietly into a corner and milked him.

Instead of that, they halted at the literal meaning of the laws, content to play the subordinate part of commentators and scholiasts. Let us not be deceived: the opinion of all nations may serve to authenticate the perception of a fact, the vague sentiment of a law; it can teach us nothing about either fact or law.

No quaint conceits, no pedantic quotations from Talmudists and scholiasts, no mean images, buffoon stories, scurrilous invectives, ever marred the effect of his grave and temperate discourses. His reasoning was just sufficiently profound and sufficiently refined to be followed by a popular audience with that slight degree of intellectual exertion which is a pleasure.