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Matt. xxv. 23. Dan. xii. 3. "The vessel whose rupture occasioned the paralysis was so minute and so slightly affected by the circulation, that it could have been ruptured only by the over-action of the mind" Bishop Jebb's Life. "This is nature's law; she will never see her children wronged.

Valsalli was summoned and found the woman with an enormously distended abdomen, within which were felt numerous fetal parts; but no fetal heart-sounds or movements were noticed. The cervix was only slightly dilated, and, as no pains were felt, it was agreed to wait. On the next day the membranes were ruptured and 4 more fetuses were delivered.

Elliot mentions a spleen weighing 11 pounds; Burrows one, 11 pounds; Blasius, four pounds; Osiander, nine pounds; Blanchard, 31 pounds; Richardson, 3 1/2 pounds; and Hare, 93 ounces. The thoracic duct, although so much protected by its anatomical position, under exceptional circumstances has been ruptured or wounded.

Dryden mentions vomiting as a cause, and Guersant reports the case of a little girl of seven, who, during an attack of fever, ruptured her esophagus by vomiting. In 1837 Heyfelder reported the case of a drunkard, who, in a convulsion, ruptured his esophagus and died. Williams mentions a case in which not only the gullet, but also the diaphragm, was ruptured in vomiting.

Several physicians present immediately divined what had happened; nor were the multitude near kept long in doubt; for all saw, at the next moment, a crimson stream welling forth from those lips just now so eloquent, checking their eloquence, alas, forever! It was quickly reported through the assembly that the speaker had ruptured one of the larger blood-vessels in the lungs.

I believe I never appreciated, till then, the poverty of the human machinery for I still needed a hand or two to place elsewhere. Pen cannot describe how I was jolted up. Imagination cannot conceive how disjointed I was how internally, externally and universally I was unsettled, mixed up and ruptured. There was a sympathetic crowd around me, though.

The salient feature which characterizes any practical attempt at treatment of ruptured tendons or other portions of the inhibitory apparatus of the fetlock region, is to retain the phalanges in their normal position for a sufficient length of time that the approximated ends of ruptured tendons or ligaments may unite.

At the end of that time he examined me again, said that I had ruptured a blood vessel in one of my eyes, and ordered me to stop work entirely and to take six months' rest in California. "That was the beginning of the end. Whatever my trouble had been at first, it developed into separation of the retina in both eyes.

The beavers had done their work, the barrier was bitten through and through, the salt water rushed like a river through the ruptured dyke. A few moments later, and a Zeeland barge, freighted with provisions, floated triumphantly into the waters beyond, now no longer an inland sea. The deed was done the victory achieved.

It is quite possible for the intestine to be ruptured by external violence, and cases of rupture of all parts of the bowel have been recorded. Titorier gives the history of a case in which the colon was completely separated from the rectum by external violence. Hinder reports the rupture of the duodenum by a violent kick. Eccles, Ely, and Pollock also mention cases of rupture of the duodenum.