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He kept any mention of these, like all his deeper experiences, to himself, but writes chiefly of more external matters; of his relaxations and pleasures, such as are surely indispensable to an author and student after extreme tension of the brain and hours of emotion.

In this manner priests were rendered capable of giving the sacraments and offering the holy sacrifice at the least possible risk to themselves; and these relaxations had already proved of enormous benefit in the European prisons, where by this time many thousands of Catholics were undergoing the penalty of refusing public worship. The Pope's private life was as simple as His room.

Upon the vegetative plane occur those transformations, tensions, and relaxations, in the viscera, which are controlled in part by the endocrines and in part by the experiences of the individual as registered in his subconscious.

We feel the rhythm of the tones, fugitive, light and joyful, or quiet, heavy and sustained, and they impress us as energies which awaken our own impulses, our own tensions and relaxations. We enter into the play of those tones which with their intervals and their instrumental tone color appear like a wonderful mosaic of agreements and disagreements.

Something, too, ought to be said of his individual exertions in the details of state administration. In his earlier life, tho active and assiduous, he found leisure for elegant accomplishments, for splendid amusements, for relaxations careless, extravagant, sometimes questionable.

The adverse party may justly consider such licence as a ground of capture and confiscation per se; but the Prize Courts of the state, under whose authority they are issued, are bound to consider them as lawful relaxations of the ordinary state of war.

Guthrie be never so merry, he was presently in a frame for the most spiritual duty, and the only account I can give of it, says wise Wodrow, 'is, that he acted from spiritual principles in all he did, and even in his relaxations. Poor Guthrie had a terrible malady that preyed on his most vital part continually a malady that at last carried him off in the mid- time of his days, and, like Solomon in the proverb, he took to a merry heart as an alleviating medicine.

With a brain capable of such remarkable exercises as the above-written vision, living his life in an atmosphere of books, and with all games and relaxations dear to boys of his age denied to him, it was no marvel that Jerome should make an early literary essay on his own account.

It was one of his favourite relaxations to peregrinate the district, telling the farmers who were not on the Board themselves, but were given to gossiping with those who were, that though he could slumber pleasantly in the school so long as the hum of the standards was kept up, he immediately woke if it ceased.

These were classes who would have been dishonored by the censorship of a less august comptroller. And, for the classes below these, by how much they were lower and more remote from his ocular superintendence, by so much the more were they linked to him in a connection of absolute dependence. Caesar it was who provided their daily food, Caesar who provided their pleasures and relaxations.