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"I'm satisfied," he said, and he took the saddle and bridle from his horse and turned the animal into the little log stable. "Hain't you goin' to feed 'im?" she asked, hospitably, as he was closing the door; "the's some fodder overhead, an' the corn is in re'ch through the crack above the trough." "Not yet," he returned; "I fed him some shelled corn at the shop.

Dawson said nothing more, and with a sinking heart she saw the stricken child of her breast walk on into her room and close the door. "Whar's she been?" asked Mrs. Slogan, aggressively. "She went to git out o' re'ch o' yore tongue," said the widow, desperately. To this apt retort Mrs. Slogan could not reply, but it evoked an amused laugh from her appreciative husband.

Oh, good Lawd 'a' mussy! my po' back! my po' back! Oh! don't dra ag you ain't a-needin' to drag me. I'll walk, Mahse John Wesley, I'll walk! Oh! you a-scrapin' my knees off! Oh! dat whip ain't over dak! You can't re'ch it down! ef I bite " There was a silent instant and the mulatto screamed.

"She's yore sister, Clariss," he chuckled, in spite of the gravity of the situation, "an' I'd hate to be in yore re'ch ef you wus to lose any more uv yore mind. As it is, you " "I wish you'd shet up!" broke in his wife; "this ain't no time fer foolishness." Then they drew their chairs up to the fireplace and sat down.