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It appears that pony-built Della Wharton, her name is was expectin' some gimcracks, an' Warden an' her was waitin' for them. Anyways, they was there. It sure was medium mournful!" declared Corwin. He appeared to hesitate; and Rankin grinned. "We've heard it before; but I reckon we can stand listenin' ag'in. Tell it, Corwin."

The latter was a pony-built beef, and after sullenly leaving the herd, with the agility of a cat, he whirled right and left on the space of a blanket, and beat the horse back into the round-up. Sargent lent a hand on the second trial, and when the beef saw that resistance was useless, he kicked up his heels and trotted away to join those selected for shipment.

If you want to go down there, come over and I'll fix you up." Franklin replied that he would be glad to do so in case he had the need, and was about to turn away. He was interrupted by the other, who stopped him with an explosive "Say!" "Yes," said Franklin. "Did you notice that girl in the dining room, pony-built like, slick, black-haired, dark eyes wears glasses?

You're always making fun of slab-sided cowmen; he's pony-built enough to suit you, and I kind o' like the color of his hair myself. Did you notice his neck? he'll never tie it if it gets broken. I like a short man; if he stubs his toe and falls down he doesn't reach halfway home.

She was pony-built and plump, with the face of a haughty Pekingese, a button of a nose, and arms so short that, despite her most indignant endeavors, she could not clasp her hands in front of her as she sat on the platform waiting. Her frock of taffeta and green velvet, with three strings of glass beads, and large folding eye-glasses dangling from a black ribbon, was a triumph of refinement. Mrs.

"Meanin' that mornin' when Kane Lawler hopped off the train with his bunch of cowhands an' Blondy Antrim," snickered Corwin. "Dave Singleton an' Gary Warden an' Jordan an' Simmons an' that pony-built girl which is stayin' over to the Two Diamond with that ossified woman she calls 'Aunt Hannah, was on the platform waitin' for the six o'clock train from the east.