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Every one of these hypotheses can allege facts in its favor. We must, however, recognize that in most men of genius are found so many peculiarities, physical eccentricities and disorders of all kinds that the pathologic theory retains much probability.

This condition of excessive motor activity and hyperexcitability may endure for years. What is the source of this pathologic excitation? The following facts may give a clue.

The cause acts by producing a transitory paralysis of the inhibitory fibers of the pneumogastric nerve. Pathologic Conditions of the Menopause. Perhaps the most alarming symptom of the menopause is hemorrhage. It may be due to general or local causes. Among the general causes are diseases of the heart, lungs, spleen, and kidneys.

Hence, diagnostic ability is the prime requisite; and a thorough knowledge of pathologic anatomy or of surgical technic is of little value if this knowledge is not applied with the insight of the trained diagnostician. The cruel and unnecessary methods employed by those untrained for diagnostics, cannot be too vigorously condemned.

It was also stated that the retention of memory was remarkable, and, up to within two weeks of his death, the patient was able to memorize poems. The amount of involvement discovered postmortem in cases similar to the preceding is astonishing. At a recent pathologic display in London several remarkable specimens were shown. Extensive Fractures of the Skull.

While, as we have seen, he does not take sides on moral issues, nor allow himself to be a special pleader for this or that view, his work strikes a moral balance in that it shows universal humanity not humanity tranced in metaphysics, or pathologic in analysis, or enmeshed in sensualism. In this sense, Balzac is a great realist.

Leukoderma is a pathologic process, the result of which is a deficiency in the normal pigmentation of the skin, and possibly its appendages. Its synonyms are leukopathia, vitiligo, achroma, leukasmus, and chloasma album. In India the disease is called sufaid-korh, meaning white leprosy. It differs from albinism in being an acquired deficiency of pigment, not universal and not affecting the eye.

There are men, and very great investigators, who would say that your daughter's trances and all phenomena connected therewith were pathologic, explainable on the grounds of some obscure neural derangement. I do not say this is the case, but I do say that if she persists in these practices she will lose control of her mental faculties. I have had a consultation to-day with Dr.

But any marked falling off in either the nervous or endocrine factors has to be considered pathologic, due to an impairment of them by adverse environment. Recent studies have amply established that the proportion of certifiable mental defectives, and of a much larger class, the subnormal but not certifiable class, is progressing by leaps and bounds.

In other cases there may be a discharge of blood at the first period, and none afterward for several months; in other words, menstruation may be established suddenly, intermittently, or gradually. It must be remembered that certain pathologic conditions cause many disturbances connected with the onset of puberty. Psychic Changes at Puberty.