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On the other hand, she sometimes gave appropriate replies in the wordsyesorno,” but it was difficult to say whether these answers did not also represent the path of least resistance. Although she was entirely oriented, there was a certain vagueness about her answers which is difficult to formulate.

We were to go on camels to northern Manchuria, because there it was easy to avoid cavilling with the Chinese authorities so badly oriented in the international relationship with Poland.

She also said she wanted to die. Under Observation: The patient was at first petulant, saying “I don’t want to stay here,” turning her face away from the doctor, generally uninterested. Though it could be established that she was quite oriented, often her answers were “I don’t know,” or she did not answer. But she was also seen crying at times, and she was apt to bite her finger nails.

A wife whose mind was oriented in the new direction effectually silenced her husband's ridicule of what he called her credulity by reminding him that when wireless telegraphy was first suggested he had exclaimed, "Ah, that, you know, is one of the things that is not possible!" He was betrayed by his common sense.

When the map has been turned into the proper position that is to say, "oriented" the next thing is to locate on the map your position. If you are in the village of Easton and there is a place on the map labeled Easton, the answer is apparent. But if you are out in the country, at an unlabeled point that looks like any one of a dozen other similar points, the task is more complicated.

The trays of plants, in their beds of sponge plastic and hydroponic materials, were all sealed against free-fall conditions, but should be oriented properly for the pseudo-gravity as the great wheel was given its rotational spin.

"If," he said pontifically, "they are oriented in the same direction, we refer to the substance as orthohydrogen. If they are oriented in opposite directions, it is parahydrogen. The ortho molecules rotate with odd rotational quantum numbers, while the para molecules rotate with even quantum numbers.

In one instance, however, at Kom Ombo, on the ceiling of a Graeco-Roman portico, some of the divinities had been falsely oriented, their feet being placed where their arms should have been. The master consequently outlined them afresh, and on the same squared surface, without effacing the first drawing. Here, at all events, the mistake was discovered in time.