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Updated: August 16, 2024

How could I, for instance, have written in my original "copy" for the printer about the fisherman baiting his hook with a giant's tail instead of a dragon's? It is the automatic fellow, Me Number-Two of our dual personality, who does these things, who forgets the message Me Number One sends down to him from the cerebral convolutions, and substitutes a wrong word for the right one.

At this Dan gets his number-two gun to b'ar, an' with one in each hand, confronts the tan-coloured multitoode. "'That's shore a nice shot, Nell! says Dan over his shoulder, ropin' for the congratoolations he thinks is comin. "But Nell don't hear him; she's one hundred yards away an' streakin' it for the Red Light like a shootin' star.

You see, I have got her number-two jib on her and shifted the mizzen, but she is still a bit too lively to make it safe to get up the spar. Like as not, if we did, it would snap off before we could get the stays taut." "I am terribly anxious about the Phantom," Frank said, "and only trust that she was in a snug harbour on the lee side of one of the islands." "I hope so, sir.

How could I, for instance, have written in my original "copy" for the printer about the fisherman baiting his hook with a giant's tail instead of a dragon's? It is the automatic fellow, Me Number-Two of our dual personality, who does these things, who forgets the message Me Number One sends down to him from the cerebral convolutions, and substitutes a wrong word for the right one.

She flung on the silk kimono, twisted her hair on top of her head and stuck a pin or two in it, thus achieving a sort of effect a thousand times more bewildering than she had ever managed with a curling iron and twenty seven hair pins, and flinging her door wide stalked into the hall. At least she meant to stalk, but one does not really stamp about much in number-two, heelless, pink-satin mules.

Accordingly, it would be a very desirable thing if this Number-Two of the human race were in Europe also relegated to her natural place, and an end put to that lady nuisance, which not only moves all Asia to laughter, but would have been ridiculed by Greece and Rome as well.

Didn't Mis' Plunkett look nice in that second mourning tucker it took Louisa Helen and all of Sweetbriar to persuade her into?" "Lou Plunkett is as pretty as a chiny aster that blooms in September and what she's having these number-two conniptions over Mr. Crabtree for is more than I can see.

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