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All this while the weather had been pretty good, foggy and cold enough, but with a fine stiff breeze that rattled us along at a good rate whenever we did get a chance of making any Northing.

The wind at dawn had weakened and come into the west. There was a strong swell indeed there always is in this ocean but the seas ran small. The sky looked like marble, with its broad spreadings of high white clouds and the veins of blue sky between. I wished to make all the northing that was possible, but there was nothing to be done in that way with the spritsail alone.

The blizzard seemed to have set the ice in strong movement towards the north, and the south- westerly and west-south-westerly winds that prevailed two days out of three maintained the drift. I hoped that this would continue unchecked, since our chance of getting clear of the pack early in the spring appeared to depend upon our making a good northing.

Our last day's travelling had not advanced us more than five miles in a straight line, and we had not made any northing, our latitude being again 18 degrees 59 minutes; but we had left the mountains behind us, and had travelled, during the latter part of the stage, over well grassed, openly timbered flats.

We passed several large lagoons, which had already been filled from the river, and were much pleased with the picturesque scenery round them. On the 7th Jones broke the pole of his dray, and Morgan again broke his shaft, but we managed to repair both without the loss of much time and made about ten miles of northing during the day.

During the whole of that afternoon and the following night we made but little Northing at all, and the next day the ice seemed more pertinaciously in our way than ever; neither could we relieve the monotony of the hours by conversing with each other on the black boards, as the mist was too thick for us too distinguish from on board one ship anything that was passing on the deck of the other.

The improved travelling allowed them to make the stage of 9 miles in less than four hours, and turn out early. Before starting, Barney, one of the black-boys had to be corrected by the Leader for misconduct, which had the effect of restoring discipline. An observation taken at night gave the latitude 18 degrees 1 minute 59 seconds, which gave about 41 miles of Northing. 'October' 16.

Continuing their journey the next morning, they went over better and more open country, and made twenty-four or -five miles of northing. Some more good country was seen the following day, but no water, although they saw native tracks and native huts.

"It may be a trader, or a cruiser coming from one of the places I have named." "Neither. The wind has had too much northing, the last two days, for that." "It is a vessel that we have overtaken, and which has come out of the waters of Long Island Sound." "That, indeed, may we yet hope," muttered Wilder in a smothered voice.

In the same manner, the gravity of all other terrestrial bodies is diminished at the times of the southing and northing of the moon, and that in a greater degree when this coincides with the southing and northing of the sun, and this in a still greater degree about the times of the equinoxes.