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But most valuable exercise of all long tables of trains would be learnt off by heart, with the names of stopping places and the prices of the first-class tickets. A genuine educationist would set to work in a much simpler fashion. He would tell the boys to look out a good train from Birmingham to Newcastle.

As we have already seen, the men of Tynedale and Redesdale bore a reputation for lawlessness in the time of the Border "Moss-trooping" days, and until nearly the end of the eighteenth century the tradesmen and guilds of Newcastle would take no apprentice who hailed from either of these dales.

In building the new shed, Mahony had been careful to choose a corner far from the house. Marriages were still uncommon enough on Ballarat to make him an object of considerable curiosity. People took to dropping in of an evening old Ocock; the postmaster; a fellow storekeeper, ex-steward to the Duke of Newcastle to comment on his alterations and improvements.

The good folk of Newcastle with willing voice rendered the latter Psalm, doubtless to the discomfiture of the preacher. Gray, who published his Chorographia, or Survey of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, just three years after this, describes St.

The ignorant horsewoman, as pointed out by the Duchess of Newcastle, rushes her horse at difficult obstacles, because she is fearless of dangers unknown to her; but a wholesome fall generally teaches her to temper valour with discretion.

But if the Scots were detained at Newcastle the rest of the victors at Marston Moor lay in his path at Newbury; and their force was strengthened by the soldiers who had surrendered in Cornwall, but whom the energy of the Parliament had again brought into the field.

London possesses considerably above one-half of the commerce of Great Britain; the next town is undoubtedly Liverpool; then may be reckoned, in England, Bristol, Hull, Newcastle, Sunderland, Yarmouth, &c.; in Scotland, Greenock, Leith, Aberdeen, Dundee, &c.; in Ireland, Cork, Dublin, Limerick, Belfast, Waterford, &c.

Here is a specimen of the toleration Loyalists and Protestants may expect: A special train having been run from Newcastle to Limerick to enable people to attend a Unionist meeting in the latter city, the Nationalists took steps to mark their sense of the railway company's indiscretion, and a train soon afterwards leaving Newcastle for Tralee, they hurled a great stone from the Garryduff Bridge, smashing the window of the guard's van and doing other injury.

This is the battery that fires two signal-guns every day at one o'clock one at Newcastle, the other at South Shields, and supplies Greenwich time to all our principal stations over a radius of three hundred miles. I sent the contents of one hundred and twenty jars through you just now!"

During these marches and counter-marches, in which the king had no other object than to escape from his pursuers, in the hope that some fortunate occurrence might turn the scale in his favour, he received the despatch already mentioned from the marquess of Newcastle. The ill-fated prince instantly saw the danger which threatened him.