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On this 355-463 feet plain, I found several shells of Mytilus Magellanicus and of a Mytilus, which Mr. All these shells had the same ancient appearance with those from the foregoing localities.

Cuming, inhabits sandbanks at the level of the lowest tides. But even in the case of shells having the habits of this Mytilus and Mesodesma, beds of them, wherever the sea gently throws up sand or mud, and thus protects its own accumulations, might be upraised by the slowest movement, and yet remain undisturbed by the waves of each new beach-line.

This latter explanation is, perhaps, the most probable one with respect to the beds at Concepcion entirely composed of the Mytilus Chiloensis, a species which lives below the lowest tides; and likewise with respect to the great beds occurring both north and south of Valparaiso, of the Mesodesma donaciforme, a shell which, as I am informed by Mr.

Among the Acephala are to be named a large Cardium, also found on the Californian coast; Modiolus, two species; Mytilus; Mya, two species; and Teredo palmulatus: the latter, which is brought here by the ships, is very mischievous in the harbour, and attains to the length of two feet.

These cliffs extend far westward, and at a distance of sixty miles, near Colonia del Sacramiento, I found the Pampean deposit resting in some places on this sand, and in others on the primary rocks: between the sand and the reddish mud, there appeared to be interposed, but the section was not a very good one, a thin bed of shells of an existing Mytilus, still partially retaining their colour.

On another hill, some miles distant, and 648 feet high, I found shells of the Concholepas and Trochus, perfect, though very old, with fragments of Mytilus Chiloensis, all embedded in reddish-brown mould: I also found these same species, with fragments of an Echinus and of Balanus psittacus, on a hill 1,000 feet high.

Monoceros Blainvillii, d'Orbigny "Voyage" Pal. 2. Monoceros ambiguus, G.B. Sowerby. 3. Anomia alternans, G.B. Sowerby. 4. Pecten rudis, G.B. Sowerby. 5. Perna Gaudichaudi, d'Orbigny "Voyage" Pal. 6. Ostrea, small species, in imperfect state; it appeared to me like a small kind now living in, but very rare in the bay. 8. Mytilus Chiloensis; Mr.

It proved to be a pearl-oyster, as Max had supposed, and on being opened was found to contain eleven seed-pearls. Eiulo presented the shell and its contents to Johnny, who seemed to value the former, quite as much as the latter, and presently ran off in search of Arthur, to inquire whether it should properly be classed with the "genus ostrea," or the "genus mytilus."

Near Castro, and for ten miles southward, and on the islet of Lemuy, I found the surface of the ground to a height of between twenty and thirty feet above high-water mark, and in several places apparently up to fifty feet, thickly coated by much comminuted shells, chiefly of the Venus costellata and Mytilus Chiloensis; the species now most abundant on this line of coast.

To that era belong the deep beds of oyster shells and Cardium edule, which are still found at the bottom of the fjord. And now, after an interval of centuries, during which the lagoon contained no salt-water shell fish, it again produces great numbers of Mytilus edulis.