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Evidently we had touched a chord that would respond; an ignoble one it might be, but it was something to have gained even this. Having dismissed his customer, Johnny now came to the front. "'Tis goot," he said, pointing to the beautiful locks; "'tis goot. Mine wife she say 'tis pest cut off dat head; bud Maddy she so moosh lofe dat head, an' 'tis so goot, I say, leaf her keep her head.

We'll wait and see you start!" "We're ready now," said Stane. "Then it's time you were off!" Hands were shaken, good-byes said, then Stane stepped ahead of the dogs, whilst Helen took her place at the gee-pole. "Moosh! Moosh!" cried Jean to the dogs.

"Now you go," said Johnny, when at last he paused, breathless from all his exertions, and with one final shake released his captive; "go und tell de gran'fader I fin' vat is de matter out, und I gifs de vorst vips as I could gif to de vorst poy in all de down, und so I safes him some droubles. But if he dinks to gif you some more of de same veesic, I dink it not too moosh.

My cheep, the Belle Marie, est un corsaire Francais, un vat you call privateere, et vous etes mes prisonniers. It is ze fortune of war, messieurs; my turn to-night yours to-morrow, perhaps ha, ha! Now, my dear sares, as there not moosh time is, permettez moi," and he flung open the companion-doors, motioning significantly to George and the mate to go below.

Gome on, poys, led's ged do vork; we haven'd done moosh dese lasd dwo days, und id von'd hurd us. Shoomp ub dere, zome of you und ged de sholly-boad oud of dad!" "Now," thought I, "what sort of a craft is this that I've blundered aboard of? She's Liberty Hall afloat, by the look of it Jack as good as his master!