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"I now mounted the stage in Sicily, and became a knight-templar; but, as my adventures differ so little from those I have recounted you in the character of a common soldier, I shall not tire you with repetition.

It will be very tastefu', the Deacon says, and just in the style of modern Gothic." "Lord deliver me from this Gothic generation!" exclaimed the Antiquary, "A monument of a knight-templar on each side of a Grecian porch, and a Madonna on the top of it! O crimini! Well, tell the provost I wish to have the stones, and we'll not differ about the water-course.

I know a Palermitan barber with whom I should be proud to be seen walking in the Via Macqueda any day that is, any day when his Sunday clothes were not in pawn and there used to be a conduttore at my hotel who took me round to many of the sights in the town and who was a person of such distinguished manners that when with him I felt as though walking with a Knight-Templar in disguise a disguise that had to be completed by my buying him a straw hat, otherwise he would have given us away by wearing his cap with "Albergo So-and-so" written all round it.

Thus was the convent of Marienberg founded, and in time it came to be one of the richest and most celebrated on the Rhine. Arrived in Palestine, Conrad became a Knight-Templar, fighting bravely and utterly oblivious to all danger. It was not until Acre had been won, however, that death met him.

It will be very tastefu', the Deacon says, and just in the style of modern Gothic." "Lord deliver me from this Gothic generation!" exclaimed the Antiquary, "A monument of a knight-templar on each side of a Grecian porch, and a Madonna on the top of it! O crimini! Well, tell the provost I wish to have the stones, and we'll not differ about the water-course.

A Knight-Templar yes; Malta is now English property; he might revive the order." The ladies both laughed. "But you have not completed your plan, Mr. White," said Miss Bolton: "the heads of houses have got wives; how can they become monks?" "Oh, the wives will go into convents," said White: "Willis and I have been making inquiries in the High Street, and they are most satisfactory.

"Oh, no; he's too short for an abbot," said her sister; "but you have left out the Chancellor himself: you seem to have provided for every one else; what will become of him?" "The Chancellor is my difficulty," said White gravely. "Make him a Knight-Templar," said Willis. "The Duke's a queer hand," said White, still thoughtfully: "there's no knowing what he'll come to.

This would have been one of the calmest of rides, and afforded plenty of room for both boys to ride Knight-Templar fashion, after old Sam had helped them on, but it was not a ride much sought for, because Hips was not a mollusc.

And opening the catalogue, he read: "No. 7. Magnificent portrait painted on marble, by Sebastian del Piombo, in 1546. Sold by a family who had it removed from Terni Cathedral. The picture, which represents a Knight-Templar kneeling in prayer, used to hang above a tomb of the Rossi family with a companion portrait of a Bishop, afterwards purchased by an Englishman.

And opening the catalogue, he read: "No. 7. Magnificent portrait painted on marble, by Sebastian del Piombo, in 1546. Sold by a family who had it removed from Terni Cathedral. The picture, which represents a Knight-Templar kneeling in prayer, used to hang above a tomb of the Rossi family with a companion portrait of a Bishop, afterwards purchased by an Englishman.