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Updated: August 8, 2024

But somehow, the fo'ks didn't git ez much rousement on 'em ez I'd looked fur reckon they'd done hed so much preachment thet they wuz kindah tuckahed out.

He even claims thet Stone hain't sound on orthodoxy, which means he ain't so streenous 'bout God Almighty's fav'rin' some folks to etarnal salvation, befoh the foundations o' the world, and others, jes' ez good, to everlastin' damnation. Brother Stone he's mighty quiet an' mild-like, but kindah hints thet God Almighty's too just to hev fav'rites.

'Tain't jes' a fashionable dish now, I reckon," he continued, reaching out for a potato; "Susan heah kindah turns up her nose et 'possum, an' I reckon Mar'm Gilcrest would die away et the sight uv 'possum meat on her table, but " The mention of Mrs. Gilcrest acted as a challenge to Mrs. Rogers. "Jane Gilcrest's a fine somebody to turn up her nose et 'possum!

Hain't you 'shamed yo'se'f, layin' heah with yer haid lookin' lak a rat's nest, an' yer laigs a-showin'? Daddy Stratton he prayed loudah, Poll she fanned fastah, an' Jane she sniffled an' snuffled harder'n evah, while Sal she jes' lay thah lak a dead corp. I knowed she heard me, though, fur she kindah flickahed her eyeleds, an' then lay stiffer'n evah.

You teched him up fust on thet p'int; then while he's still kindah riled with you fur it teks him a long time to fergit a man's darin' to sot up opinions 'ginst his'n up you prances ag'in 'bout Betsy. No, you didn't beg him sortah bashful an' meechin' lak I know you so well, Ab but you jes' demands his gal's hand in marridge. This riles him still futhah.

With the two uv 'em to manidge, I'm betwixt tommyhock an' buzzard, so to speak, an' I won't hev a minit's peace tell I wollop 'em both, an' mek 'em behave therse'ves. So I reckon I'll hafto talk in kindah gen'ral terms, or in par'bles, ez Brothah Stone would say, when Abner axes me 'bout my intahview with Hiram." The opportunity for Rogers' diplomatic use of "par'bles" came that evening.

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