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"Then Ketill shall stay here with the rest of our troop, and you and I, with twenty more, will to the king. Forward, men!" "Spare not the ale," added Ketill. "A courteous and gallant man is Thorar, for a Jemtlander," said Helgi to Ketill, as they marched down to the town. "Dogs and women are his people," replied Ketill. "They are fit neither to be friends nor enemies."

Like an infuriated animal Jomar turned upon him. "Whelp of a Norseman!" he cried, drawing his dagger and springing forward, "never more " As he spoke, Estein, who stood between them, had just time to throw out one foot and bring the Jemtlander flat on his face, his dagger flying from his hand.

"Yet it would seem that it is they who have most reason to complain of your dealings with them," said Estein, smiling. "I would I were well quit of the land," replied his friend. "My heart felt glad when I saw in the glade a man habited after the fashion of the natives. 'There will be one less Jemtlander to- night, I said, as I laid an arrow on my bow.

"Tell me, if you value your life, what means this solitude?" Estein demanded sternly. "Nay, shake not like an old man with palsy, but speak the truth if by chance a Jemtlander knows what truth is. Where are the people?" "Noble earl, they have heard of your coming, and fled. No man will await you; you will see none in the country." "Do none mean to fight?" asked Helgi.

In another instant the Jemtlander would have suffered for his temerity, had not Atli seized the angry Norseman's arm, exclaiming, "Peace, Helgi Sigvaldson! Wouldst thou strike my servant in mine own house? The man loves not Norsemen, yet has he saved thy foster-brother's life, and likely, too, those of Ketill and all his company." "Tell us, Atli," interposed Estein, "what he said on his return."

The Jemtlander turned on him savagely and answered, "Think you I have to succour you of my own pleasure? Never had I less joy in doing anything. If your brother be not here now he will never come at all. I was not told to risk my life for him. Come on!" "Go, then," said Estein; "here will I bide." The man stamped his foot wrathfully, and turned sharply away as though he would leave him.