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Sugar Islands, Spice Islands, Indias, Canadas, these, by the real decree of Heaven, were ours; and nobody would or could believe it, till it was tried by cannon law, and so proved. Such cases happen.

The Spaniards made 120 prisoners on the two ships. As for the other vessels in their company the yacht 'Aigle' was blown up; the 'Paon' and the shallop 'Delft' escaped. It is not exactly known whither these vessels have gone; but it is believed that they went to Patan." With the increase of Dutch power in the Indias, complications naturally multiplied.

In almost all the Indias were being celebrated the masses which they call "masses for Christmas," mingling with them certain abuses which contaminated these masses with practices that were superstitious, and contrary to the holy rites of the church.

Hancock is going to freight a ship to the West Indias and wants something to send in her, and it strikes me the sugar planters at Porto Rico might like a bit of cheese," the clerk said. "I shall want some sugar, coffee, molasses, codfish, and other things." "I'll give you the market price for all your cheeses, and make fair rates on what you want from us." "I can't let you have all.

Augustine desire to be established in the Indias, and have entreated your Majesty to order that permission be given therefor, and that several religious may go for that purpose, and to preach the gospel, to Nueva España, the Philippinas Islands, and China.

Still we must ask you, most respectfully, to consider the circumstances in which we are placed. We have done all for you that it was possible for man to do. We have crossed seas and land. We have marched to the end of the world, and you are now meditating the conquest of another, by going in search of new Indias, unknown to the Indians themselves.

With them they took the celebrated Jacques le Maire who had attempted to find a new passage to the South Sea, below the Strait of Magellan. As his voyage was not for the trading company which enjoyed the monopoly of trade in the Indias, his ship was confiscated. He died on the passage home.

All this is without the command of your Majesty and of your royal Council of the Indias, and is contrary to the grants made to our provincial fathers of Castilla who have so long exercised a similar office. This is right, since this province was established and is maintained by them and the honored friars who have come out hither from España.

The windy Gales of the West Indias Laid claim to His Noble Soul And Took him on High to his Creator Who made him Whole. There was no moss or lichen on this wind-scoured slope. In the falling dusk the old white stones stood up like the bones of the dead themselves, and the only sound was the rustle of the wire-grass creeping over them in a dry tide.

All this is evident by the publicity of the facts, and by official information which on various occasions has been sent to the glorious Catholic sovereigns, your Majesty's predecessors, and to their royal and supreme Council of the Indias by the governor and royal Audiencia of the islands, and the cabildos, ecclesiastical and secular, of the said city of Manila.