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He did not like this allusion to the time when the Iroquois fought against the English, and inflicted on them a great defeat. But he feared to rebuke the old chief. Hiokatoo and the Senecas were too important. "There ought to be a chance yet for an ambuscade," he said. "The foliage is still thick and heavy, and Sullivan, their general, is not used to forest warfare. What say you to this, Wyatt?"

The thought is melancholy; but no arguments, no examples, however persuasive or impressive, are sufficient to deter an Indian for an hour from taking the potent draught, which he knows at the time will derange his faculties, reduce him to a level with the beasts, or deprive him of life! Death of Hiokatoo. Biography. His Birth Education. Goes against the Cherokees, &c. Bloody Battle, &c.

By running in the woods his clothing had become torn into rags, so that he was in a suffering condition, almost naked. Hiokatoo gave him a blanket, and a piece of broadcloth for a pair of trowsers. Allen made his trowsers himself, and then built a raft, on which he went down the river to his own place at Mount Morris. About that time he married a squaw, whose name was Sally.

I must admit, sir, that we were an hour late, having been blocked by the passage of two hundred Hurons and Iroquois who crossed our trail, cutting us from the north." "What became of them?" "They joined Butler, Brant, and Hiokatoo at this place, General."

His Height Strength Speed, &c. In the month of November 1811, my husband Hiokatoo, who had been sick four years of the consumption, died at the advanced age of one hundred and three years, as nearly as the time could be estimated.

He crept to the side of the fierce old Seneca chief, Hiokatoo, and suggested that a part of their band slip around and enfold the enemy. Old Hiokatoo, in the thick of battle now, presented his most terrifying aspect.

At the same moment somebody came close to me from behind, and the Sagamore breathed his name in my ear. I managed to retain my presence of mind, and, laying my mouth against his ear in the darkness, I whispered: "The Seneca Hiokatoo and his warriors all around us in the water. He mistakes me for Walter Butler, They have been reconnoitring our camp."

God knows how I found voice to answer "Yes," and how I found courage to let my hand remain upon my enemy's shoulder. "It is I, Hiokatoo," said the low voice. "Move forward," I said; and dropped my hand from his shoulder. Somehow, although I could see nothing, all around me in the water I felt the presence of living creatures.

Their mothers were sisters, and it was through the influence of Farmer's Brother, that I became Hiokatoo's wife. In early life, Hiokatoo showed signs of thirst for blood, by attending only to the art of war, in the use of the tomahawk and scalping knife; and in practising cruelties upon every thing that chanced to fall into his hands, which was susceptible of pain.

Near Timmendiquas sat Thayendanegea, dressed as usual in his mixture of savage and civilized costume, and about him were other famous Indian chiefs, The Corn Planter, Red jacket, Hiokatoo, Sangerachte, Little Beard, a young Seneca renowned for ferocity, and others.