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After that I had a very comfortable winter in a zoological garden out West, near where we stranded. Then an old white-haired man from California bought me to add to his private collection of monkeys. He had half a dozen or so in his high-walled garden. It was a beautiful place, hot and sunny like my old home, and full of palm-trees and tangled vines and brilliant flowers.

The pung was now opposite the stockade. Looking across the river, David Bond got his first view of the high-walled prison with its ever-moving and wary guards. He pulled up his horse. "Alas!" he exclaimed mournfully, "how misguided they are white and red men alike!" The pung slid on until the cut in the river-bank was reached. Again the old man reined.

"By garden porches on the brim, The costly doors flung open wide, Gold glittering through lamplight dim." We landed by the Maude bridge and explored further afield, finding "high-walled gardens" where we beheld "All round about the fragrant marge, From fluted vase and brazen urn, In order, Eastern flowers large." By day, Baghdad is not so impressive. Too much squalor is apparent.

There were no country houses of high-walled, steep-roofed magnificence here, only comfortable farm dwellings with wide eaves and generous barns, a few with picturesque, pointed silos and slim, high-towering windmills.

Only a few crazy fanatics have fallen victims to it, and if lunatic asylums were not frequently cheated of their dues, these would not be left at large, but shut up together in high-walled enclosures, where, like Sydney Smith's 'gramnivorous metaphysicians, or Reaumur's spiders, they could only injure one another and destroy their own webs.

Most of the men were at the band-stand in the public gardens from the Club verandah you could hear the native Police band hammering stale waltzes or on the polo-ground, or in the high-walled fives-court, hotter than a Dutch oven. Half a dozen grooms, squatted at the heads of their ponies, waited their masters' return.

A ruined, red-walled kasbah faced it, apparently inhabited by storks alone, busy building their great rough nests: some were in the village. Sheshaoua was no douar, but a high-walled collection of houses, overlooked by the modern kasbah on the hill.

To her it was a different scene, of some southern country, because she seemed to see vineyards, and high-walled lanes, hill-crests crowded with houses and crowned with churches, such as one sees at a distance in the Campagna, where the plain breaks into chestnut-clad hills.

Either there was no fruit at all on the bushes, but only tiny white star-flowers, or the peppers were all ripe, and crimson red. At last, right out in the wilderness, he came upon a high-walled garden. Tall mango-trees shaded it on all sides, shutting out fierce sunshine and rough winds, and within grew innumerable flowers and fruits.

But it was late when the players reached Walton; and, after the necessary arrangements for the evening were concluded, Zelma found that she had no time for a pilgrimage to the parish churchyard. She could see it from a window of her lodgings; it was high-walled, dark and damp, crowded with quaint, mossy tomb-stones, and brooded over by immemorial yews.