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Updated: August 3, 2024

Hatim was a God-fearing and good man; he thus conceived, that, "If I likewise prepare for battle, then the creatures of God will be slaughtered, and there will be much bloodshed; the punishment of heaven for which will be recorded against my name." Reflecting on this, he quite alone, taking merely his life with him, fled and hid himself in a cave in the mountains.

They asked a wise man which was preferable, munificence or courage? He answered, "Whoever has munificence has no need of courage." On the tombstone of Bahram-gor was inscribed: "The hand of liberality is stronger than the arm of power. Hatim Tayi remains not, yet will his exalted name live renowned for generosity to all eternity.

Look at my beast! So they came to him and finding his she-camel struggling in the death-agony, slaughtered it and roasted its flesh and ate. Then they asked him what had happened and he said, 'When I closed my eyes, I saw in my sleep Hatim et Tai, who came to me with a sword in his hand and said to me, "Thou comest to us and we have nothing by us."

But here I am; and as the night bird sings when the moon is risen, because the moon is beautiful and must be saluted, even so I am obedient. Command me." The speech was in Greek, with the slightest imperfection of accent; at the conclusion the Princess was silent. "Knowest thou" she at length said "knowest thou of one Hatim, renowned as a warrior and poet of the Arabs?"

"Such was Hatim! "In the Hijaz and the Nejd, they tell of him thus: "In the day the Compassionate set about world-making, which is but a pastime with him, nor nearly so much as nest-building to a mother-dove, he rested.

H. Who were the most skilful in horsemanship in all Arabia, the most valiant, and of best conduct in war? S. The tribe of Hashim. H. Why think you so? S. Because my grandfather Imaum Ali, son of Abou Talib, was one of it. H. What tribe of Arabs is most famous for benevolence, and celebrated for liberality? S. The family of Tai. H. Wherefore? S. Because Hatim belonged to it.

I said, Why do you not go to the feast of Hatim, where a crowd have assembled round his carpet? He replied: 'Whoever can eat the bread of his own industry will not lay himself under obligation to Hatim Tayi. And in him I met my superior in spirit and independence." The Prophet Moses, on whom be peace, saw a dervish who had buried his body, in his want of clothes to cover it, in the sand.

'Jahannam, next Laza, and third Hatim; * Then count Sa'ir and Sakar eke, five-fold, Sixth comes Jahim and Hawiyah the seventh; * Here are seven Hells in four lines briefly told." Quoth he "To what doth the poet refer when he saith,

"He sat in his tent telling his wife and children stories, for he was not merely the best warrior of his day; he was the most renowned poet and storyteller. Riding into battle, his men would say, 'Sing to us, O Hatim sing, and we will fight. And they he loved best, listening to him, had nigh forgot their misery, when the curtain of the tent was raised. "'Who is there? he asked.

"Across the plain Hatim one day beheld a caravan, and finding it escorting three poets to the court of the King of El-Herah, he invited them to stop with him, and while he killed a camel for each of them, they recited songs in his praise, and that of his kin. When they wished to resume the journey, he detained them. "'There is no gift like the gift of song, he said.

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