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Updated: August 3, 2024

The badges on their caps alone betrayed their regiments. There were "details" from almost every regiment in the British Army, and one could hear every dialect from John o' Groat's to Land's End. Their talk was of the great retreat. "Hell it was fire and brimstone," said a R.F.A. man.

Out he went stumping on the other side, determined, he said, to find them, though he should follow them to Johnny Groat's house, or something to that effect. Hardly was his back turned than in came the birkie and the very young lady the old gentleman described, arm-and-arm together, laughing like daft Dog on it! It was a shameless piece of business.

The Scotch Catholic nobles were still savage at Mary Stuart's execution, and had the Armada anchored in Leith Roads with twenty thousand men, half a million ducats, and a Santa Cruz at its head, it might have kindled a blaze at that moment from John o' Groat's Land to the Border. But no such purpose occurred to the Duke of Medina Sidonia. He probably knew nothing at all of Scotland or its parties.

"Well, then, this time, it seems, her way is a good way." After this David settled his life very much on the old lines. He went to live in Nanna's cottage, and returned to the boats and the fishing with Groat's sons.

The wind continuing favourable after leaving Yarmouth, about nine this morning we passed the rugged and bold projecting rock termed Johnny Groat's house and soon afterwards Duncansby Head, and then entered the Pentland Firth.

From Land's End to John O' Groat's is a long tramp, but that from Montreal to Hudson's Bay is far longer, and yet many have made it; more, however, in the days of which we are writing than now, and with greater hardships also then. But weighed against the greater hardships there was a bolder temper and a more romantic spirit.

The wind changed directly after we reached Inverness, of which we were very glad, as it gave us some hopes of soon meeting the Dolphin, which we feared must have been detained off John o' Groat's House. We made several trips down to Fort George, to look out for the Dolphin.

"For age and want save while you may, No morning sun lasts a whole day." "It is easier to build two chimneys than to keep one in fuel." "A penny saved is a penny earned." "A penny saved is twopence clear; A pin a day is a groat a year." "He that wastes idly a groat's worth of his time per day, one day with another, wastes the privilege of using one hundred pounds each day."

Why, I've tried them with 'Pierce Penniless, 'Groat's Worth of Wit, 'Friar Bacon, 'Orlando, and the 'Battle of Alcazar. Why, tush! they will not even listen! And here I've put Martin Gosset into purple and gold, and Jemmy Donstall into a peach-colored gown laid down with silver-gilt, for 'Volteger'; and what?

I am afraid that another triviality which has hitherto been to the taste only of the south of England is fated to "catch on," by means of the same missionaries, from Land's End to John o' Groat's, and even in the colonies. Rhyming slang is extraordinarily common in the army, so common that it is used with complete unconsciousness as being correct conversational English.

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