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She's high and dry, you see; bedded there on an even keel, same's if she was afloat. Yes, it is a wonder, as you say, Mr. Freydon; but it's a lonely place, you see; nothing nearer than what is it? Werrina, I think they call it; fifteen mile away; and that's a day's march from anywhere, too. Oh yes, there might be an odd sundowner camp aboard of her once in a month o' Sundays; but I doubt it.

Freydon, said my guide, as he flung himself into a revolving chair, and motioned me to another on the opposite side of the table. 'We'll make it no more than five minutes, please, for I've got a stack of letters to answer, and some men to see at eleven sharp. And then I had a rather happy inspiration. 'Do you write your own letters, sir? I asked. 'Eh? Oh, Lord, yes! he said brusquely.

I told him, without much relevance really, that I had buried my wife that morning; and he, very naturally, said he had not even known I was a married man. 'Look here, Freydon, he said; 'be guided by me. Take a month's holiday, and then come and talk to me again.

Then we'll give one of these rooms to L , and you might let Freydon here start work in the other right away, will you? By Jove! If you're only right, you know, that will simplify matters immensely. An excellent idea of yours, Hutchens. I'm no end obliged to you. 'But, Mr. Arncliffe, I really 'Right you are! I'll see you later about that last forme question. Look in in about an hour, will you?

These farmers are touchy beggars, you know; but if only you take the right tone with 'em, you can twist 'em round your little finger. That's why I always lay it on pretty thick in the firm's letters. It pays, I can assure you. 'Yes, sir. 'Well, that's very good, Mr. Freydon; very good. We've never had this shorthand in the office before; but I think it's time we did, high time.

The good woman rather pierced my carefully assumed guise of nonchalance by the smile with which she said: 'Oh, very well, Mr. Freydon; I hope you'll not be kept too late by business. 'How in the world did she guess? I thought as I walked down to the ferry. It may be that the virus of city life had in some queer way already entered my veins.