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Updated: August 3, 2024

Flournoy, Madam, has obeyed the precept which you have judiciously delivered. You may be interested, Madam, to know what are the conclusions at which Mr. J. J. Flournoy of Athens, Georgia, has arrived. You shall hear, Madam.

My attention was first drawn to the instrument in question by Professor Th. Flournoy, of Geneva, the author of From India to the Planet Mars, Spiritism and Psychology, and other works, well known to English readers.

Nitchinof died on the 16th of an infectious disease; and on the 17th her body was carried out of the school for fear of infection. It is well to add that both Mme. Buscarlet's letter and the replies which came from Russia were communicated to Professor Flournoy and bear the postmark dates.

Flournoy, Madam, has obeyed the precept which you have judiciously delivered. You may be interested, Madam, to know what are the conclusions at which Mr. J. J. Flournoy of Athens, Georgia, has arrived. You shall hear, Madam.

They neared the western shore and the green, overhanging trees, touched bottom, plunged a little and came out, wet and shining, every inch of metal about them glinting in the level rays of the sun. High on the bank Stonewall Jackson with Flournoy and his aides, the first to cross, watched that passage of the squadrons.

"As soon as they had a workable high-speed drive. Several drives were being experimented with even then." "One of them the Flournoy principle was finally made workable," she said. She frowned. "I'm trying to give you this briefly and I keep straying into details." "Just tell me why you woke me up." "I'm trying to tell you."

Although these results are few and meagre compared with those of Professor Alrutz, still they tend to confirm his views, and add to the testimony adduced by him and by Professor Flournoy, in favour of the reality of the facts of the actual physical pressure by the Will upon the board in question.

It will force us to question a great metaphysical principle which, up till now, has been almost universally considered as governing the problem of the union of the mind with the body. This principle bears the name of the axiom of heterogeneity, or the principle of psycho-physical dualism. No philosopher has more clearly formulated it, and more logically deduced its consequences, than Flournoy.

Among that number in the State of Mississippi was J.L. Alcorn, J.A. Orr, J.B. Deason, R.W. Flournoy, and Orlando Davis. In addition to these there were thousands of others, many of them among the most prominent men of the State.

You speak well, Madam, I said; yet there is room for a gloss or commentary on what you say. "He who would bring back the wealth of the Indies must carry out the wealth of the Indies." What you bring away from the Bible depends to some extent on what you carry to it Benjamin Franklin! Here it is. "Go to the Bible. A Dissertation, etc., etc. By J.J. Flournoy. Athens, Georgia. 1858." Mr.

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