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"General Jackson mustn't fling my brigades against windmills or lose them in the mountains! I'm fair to confess I feel anxious. Out on the plains when we chase Apaches we chase 'em! We don't go deviating like a love vine all over creation. That's Harry Hayes's band playing some Frenchy thing or other! Cavalry's over there I know you've got Ashby, but Flournoy and Munford are right wicked, too!"

Professor Flournoy, in the Preface to his Spiritism and Psychology, made the remark: "It will be a great day when the subliminal psychology of Myers and his followers, and the abnormal psychology of Freud and his school, succeed in meeting, and will supplement and complete one another. That will be a great forward step in science and in the understanding of our nature."

Hedwig has opened the door and if there isn't Mrs. McDougal with a great big something in her hands, and Mr. Milligan, and Peggy, and Mr. and Mrs. Jernigan, and Jamie, and little Minna Haskins, and Mr. Flournoy. What do you suppose it is?" Miss Gibbie got up and stood by the table in the middle of the room. "The gods couldn't guess if Mrs. McDougal has anything to do with it. Are they coming in?"

Cavalry, Colonel Ashby: 7th Virginia. Trimble's Brigade: 21st North Carolina, 21st Georgia, 15th Alabama, 16th Mississippi. Elzey's Brigade and Scott's Brigade: 13th Virginia, 31st Virginia, 25th Virginia, 12th Georgia. Maryland Line: 1st Maryland. Cavalry, General G.H. Steuart: 2nd Virginia, Colonel Munford: 6th Virginia, Colonel Flournoy. Artillery: 6 batteries, 26 guns.

He did not, however, betray the results upon himself of all this curious reading and study, nor mention what he found of truth or probability in it all. He merely quoted books and authors, in at least three languages, that stretched in a singular and catholic array from Plato and the Neo-Platonists across the ages to Myers, Du Prel, Flournoy, Lodge, and Morton Prince.