United States or Jamaica ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The bearer of this letter is Martin de Gamboa. I am sending by him a letter to Juan Lopez and a letter of credit. Read the letter to Lopez and then give it to him. Your uncle has been very sick and is now, from trouble with his jaws and his teeth. "Done in Seville, November 28. "Your father who loves you more than himself. .S. .S.A.S. XMY Xpo FERENS."

But haste must be made that the loss of the Indies, which is now imminent, may not take place. May our Lord have you in His keeping. "Done to-day, December 21. "Your father who loves you more than himself. .S. .S.A.S. XMY Xpo FERENS." "This tenth which they give me is not the tenth which was promised me.

Dyck, to the end of his career at sea, wore only the common seaman's uniform. Dyck would not have accepted the doubtful honour had he not had long purposes in view. With Ferens, Michael Clones, and two others whom Ferens could trust, a plan was arranged which Dyck explained to his fellow-seamen on the Ariadne. "We've come to the parting of the ways, brothers," he said.

Dyck saw Ferens speak to Richard Parker after the men had been in conference with Parker and the Delegates, and then turn towards himself. Richard Parker came to him. "We are fellow countrymen," he said genially. "I know your history. We are out to make the navy better to get the men their rights. I understand you are with us?" Dyck bowed.

Remember to write me very often, and tell Diego Mendez to write at length. Each day messengers go from here yonder. May our Lord have you in His Holy keeping. "Done in Seville, December 1. "Your father who loves you as himself. .S. .S.A.S. XMY Xpo FERENS."

"The High-Admiral of the Ocean-Sea and Viceroy and Governor-General of the islands and mainland of Asia and the Indies, belonging to the King and Queen, my Lords, and the Captain-General of the Sea, and a Member of their Council. .S. .S.A.S. X M Y Xpo FERENS."

But haste must be made that the loss of the Indies, which is now imminent, may not take place. May our Lord have you in His keeping. "Done to-day, December 21. "Your father who loves you more than himself. .S. .S.A.S. XMY Xpo FERENS." "This tenth which they give me is not the tenth which was promised me.

But, if we're going in for this sort of thing, we ought to do it decently. We can't slap a government in the mouth, and we can't kick an admiral without paying heavy for it in the end. If it's wholesome petitioning you're up to, I'm with you; but I'm not if there's to be knuckle-dusting." Ferens shrugged a shoulder.

.S. .S.A.S. XMY Xpo FERENS." Diego Mendez found some one among the Spaniards to accompany him, but his name is not recorded. The six Indians were taken to row the canoe. They had to make their way at first against the strong currents along the northern coast of Jamaica, so as to reach its eastern extremity before striking across to Espanola.

If Jeronimo de Santi Esteban is coming, he must await me and not embarrass himself with anything, for they will take away from him all they can and silently leave him. Let him come here and the King and the Queen will receive him until I come. May our Lord have you in His holy keeping. "Done at Seville, March 21, 1502. "At your command. .S. .S.A.S. Xpo FERENS."