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Updated: August 3, 2024

The light which the sweetness of speech had brought into her face had died out of it now, and she looked weary and hapless as she answered him slowly: 'I will not wed with Face-of-god, but will fare afield as a virgin of war, as I have sworn to the Warrior.

And Face-of-god said to him: 'Tell me one thing, Wood-wise; that whoop that thou gavest forth when we were at handy-strokes e'en now is it but a cry of thine own or is it of thy Folk, and shall I hear it again? 'Thou may'st look to hear it many a time, said Wood-wise, 'for it is the cry of the Wolf. Seldom indeed hath battle been joined where men of our blood are, but that cry is given forth.

'They knew it, said Face-of-god. 'Neighbours, said the Alderman, 'have ye any rede hereon, and aught to say to back your rede?

Now so much had Face-of-god told the Dalesmen, that they deemed they all knew these men for their battle-fellows of whom they had heard tell; and this the more as the men were so goodly and manly of aspect, especially Folk-might, so that they seemed as if they were nigh akin to the Gods.

So they turned from the bridge together; and Stone-face was kind and fatherly, and was telling his foster-son many wise things concerning the life of a chieftain, and the giving-out of dooms and the gathering for battle; to all which talk Face-of-god seemed to hearken gladly, but indeed hearkened not at all; for verily his eyes were beholding that snowy waste, and the fair woman upon it; even such an one as Stone-face had told of.

To a good hall thou wendest, and the Wine of Increase shall be sweet there this even. Then smiled Warcliff all across his face, and the goodwife hung her head and reddened. Said the goodman: 'Wilt thou not be with us, son of the Alderman, as surely thy father shall be? 'Nay, said Face-of-god, 'though I were fain of it: my own matters carry me away.

Thus saith the House of the Bull: Let us go meet the foe, and take these valiant strangers for way-leaders, and Face-of-god for War-leader. And he also went back again.

But the fierceness of the kindreds heeded not the fire, nor overmuch the men who leapt down from the stack before it, but they left all behind them, faring straight toward the western outgate from the Market-stead; and Face-of-god still led them on; though by now he was wholly come to his right mind again, albeit the burden of sorrow yet lay heavy on his heart.

But Face-of-god passed up the Hall with them, and stood before the dais and said: 'O Alderman of the Dale and Chief of the House of the Face, here I bring to you the foes of our foemen, whom I have met in the Wild- wood, and bidden to our House; and meseemeth they will be our friends, and stand beside us in the day of battle.

But Face-of-god himself went up amongst the Shepherds, and abode with a goodman hight Hound-under-Greenbury, who gathered to him the folk from the country-side, and they went up on to Greenbury, and sat on the green grass while he spoke with them and told them, as he had told the others, what had been done and what should be done.

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