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Not impossibly, with 1 or 2 stripper cows, 1 pike of upland hay and requisite farming implements, e.g., an end-to-end churn, a turnip pulper etc. What would be his civic functions and social status among the county families and landed gentry? What course of action did he outline for himself in such capacity?

He riffled through its pages. The Cavour Theory, it said in worn gold letters on the spine. He had read the volume end-to-end at least a hundred times. "I still can't see why you're so wild on Cavour," Rat grumbled, looking up from his doll-sized sleeping-cradle in the corner of Alan's cabin.

To some extent, also, axons pass through ganglia with which they make no connection. The neurons in the brain and spinal cord also lie side by side, but their arrangement is more complex than that in the nerves and ganglia. Ganglion. 2. Nerve. In the ganglion of A are end-to-end connections of different neurons; in the ganglion of B are the cell-bodies of di-axonic neurons.

*Arrangements of the Neurons.*—Nowhere in the body do the neurons exist singly, but they are everywhere connected with each other to form the different structures observed in the nerve skeleton. Two general plans of connection are to be observed, known as the anatomical and the physiological, or, more simply speaking, as the "side-by-side" and "end-to-end" plans.

That finished him with Kedzie. He had not improved on connubial acquaintance. He was lazy and sloven of mornings, and since he had no office to go to he grew more neglectful of his appearance than ever. His end-to-end cigarettes got on Kedzie's nerves and cost a nagging amount of money, especially as she could not learn to like them herself.

The side-by-side plan is seen in that disposition of the neurons which enables them to form the nerves and the ganglia, as well as the brain and spinal cord. The end-to-end connections are necessary to the work which the neurons do.

You need a strategy." "I'll pass out numbers at the News Shop," Willow said. Amber laughed. "Give number one to Patrick. Maybe number two to that cute Claude. Leave Art out; I'm not done with him. He's got a lot of talent, Willow. You know what he told me last night?" "Let's see . . . " "He's buying another old barn for its frame. He's going to put the frame against his house barn, end-to-end.

The neurons form the different divisions of the nervous system, and also serve as the active agents in carrying on its work. Through a side-by-side method of joining they form the nerves, ganglia, spinal cord, and brain; and by a method of end-to-end joining they connect places remote from each other, and provide for nervous movements through the body.

The nerve is seen to be a bundle of axons, or nerve fibers, held together by connective tissue, while the ganglion is little more than a cluster of cell-bodies. *End-to-end Connections.*—These consist of loose end-to-end unions of the fiber branches of certain neurons with the dendrites of other neurons.