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The more thorough-going of these itinerant apostles openly aimed at nothing less than the establishment of a new Christian Commonwealth, or, as they termed it, "the Kingdom of God on Earth." Einleitung, pp. 255, 256. Cf. Von Maurer's Einleitung zur Geschichte der Mark-Verfassung; Gomme's Village Communities; Laveleye, La Propriété Primitive; Stubbs's Constitutional History; also Maine's works.

This, as has been already remarked, offers a striking resemblance to that of the Old Latin, and cannot be later than the middle or close of the second century. It would be difficult to point out a more interesting subject for criticism than the respective relations of the Old Latin and Syriac Versions to the Latin and Syriac Vulgates. Bleek, Einleitung, p. 735; Reuss, Gesch. N.T. p. 447.

Butzkopf made it the subject of an elaborate Einleitung to his important work, Die Bedeutung des Aegyptischen Labyrinthes; and Dugong, in a remarkable address which he delivered to a learned society in Central Europe, introduced Merman's theory with so much power of sarcasm that it became a theme of more or less derisive allusion to men of many tongues.

S.R. ii. p. 211 sq. Sac. i. p. 161. Haer. iii. 11. 8. Haer. iii. 1. 1. Marc. iv. 2. H.E. vi. 25. On the general position of Origen in regard to the Canon, compare Hilgenfeld, Kanon, p. 49. Sac. i. pp. 124 and 152. Hilgenfeld, Einleitung, p. 805. It hardly seems clear that Origen had no MS. authority for his reading.

They are as follows: Briefwechsel zwischen Schiller und Goethe, mit einer Einleitung von F. Muncker, Stuttgart, 1893. The correspondence is also to be had, edited by Vollmer, in Cotta's Bibliothek der Weltlitteratur. It was first published in 1828-9 in 6 vols. Briefwechsel zwischen Schiller und Wilhelm von Humboldt, dritte vermehrte Ausgabe mit Anmerkungen von A. Leitzmann, Stuttgart, 1900.

In his own two works, Die Geschichte der alt-christlichen Literatur bis Eusebius, 1893, and Die Chronologie der alt-christlichen Literatur bis Eusebius, 1897, are deposited the results of his reflexion on the mass of this material. His Beitrage zur Einleitung in das Neue Testament, 1906, etc., should not be overlooked.

Einleitung zur allgemeinen vergleichenden Geographie, pp. 165, 166. This view seems to me highly improbable; for great rivers, in warm climates, are never bordered by sandy plains.

Reinke, Professor of Botany in Kiel, has set forth his views in his book, “Die Welt als Tat,” and more recently in hisEinleitung in die theoretische Biologie” . Both books are addressed to a wide circle of readers.

Compare Hilgenfeld, Einleitung, p. 72, where reference is made to an essay by Lipsius, Der Märtyrertod Polycarp's in Z. f. w. T. 1874, ii. p. 180 f. Haer. iii. 3, 4. S. R. i. p. 278. K. pp. 593, 599. Westcott, On the Canon, p. 88, n. 4. Tryph. 103. S.R. i. p. 294. S.R. i. The section appears in none of the forms reproduced by Dr. Recept.

See Lidzbarski, "Wer ist Chadir?" Zeits. f. Assyr. vii. 109-112, who also suggests that Ahasverus, 'the Wandering Jew, is a corruption of Adrakhasis. This suggests a comparison with Sadu, 'the hunter, in the Gilgamesh epic. See above, p. 475. Originally suggested by H. C. Rawlinson. The ending ôn is an emphatic affix frequent in proper names. Euripides' Herakles, Einleitung.