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"Dat ist de price to anudder," said the gallant trinket-dealer; "but dat ist not de price to you, Miss Opportunity. Ve shall trafel togedder; ant vhen ve gets to your coontry, you vill dell me de best houses vhere I might go mit my vatches ant drinkets." "That I will; and get you in at the Nest House, in the bargain," cried Opportunity, pocketing the pencil without further parley.

"I haf said you might haf it for dat money, and vhat I haf said once might always be." "I will take it, then. I almost wish you had asked eight, though four dollars saved is suthin' for a poor man. It's so plaguy cheap I'm a little afraid on 't; but I'll ventur'. There; there's your money, and in hard cash." "Dank you, sir. Won't das ladies choose to look at my drinkets?"

"Vould you like a vatch?" "That would I; and a farm, too, if I could get 'em cheap," answered Brigham, with a sneer he did not attempt to conceal. "How do you sell farms to-day?" "I haf got no farms; I sells drinkets and vatches, but I doesn't sell farms. Vhat I haf got I vill sell, but I cannot sells vhat I haf not got." "Oh! you'll get all you want if you'll stay long enough in this country!

"Good day, good day," cried Miller, hastily, and glancing his eye a little curiously at our equipments. "What have you got in your box essences?" "Nein; vatches and drinkets;" setting down the box and opening it at once, for the inspection of all present. "Von't you burchase a goot vatch, dis bleasant mornin'?" "Be they ra-al gold?" asked Miller, a little doubtingly.