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It had been that, ye silly lass, instead o' the fourteenth." "Well, well, goodman, what dos't matter what verse you left off at," said his wife. "A good tale's none the worse of being told twice." "Nay, but," said Thora, "just look for fun and see what the fourteenth verse ends with." "Fun, lassie! fun!" exclaimed Carver, as though he was seriously shocked.

Hey, Sweetlips, here hussy, d n the tuoad, dos't n't know thy old measter? Ey, ey, thou may'st smell till Christmas, I'll be bound to be hanged, knight, if the creature's nose an't foundered by the d d stinking perfumes you have got among you."

It's selfish, but, but " and her voice quivered. "Every step thou takest will carry you farther up from me, and I can't be glad on it, Jack!" "Nonsense, Nelly," Jack said angrily, "dos't think so little of me as to think that I shall not be as true to my two friends, Harry and you, as I am now?" The girl shook her head. "You will try, Jack, you will try.

"Would you speak o' fun and the Holy Scripture lying open before you?" "O, but, father, I had no mind. A body canna aye be minding. Look and see not for fun, then." "Tut, tut!" said the mother, becoming impatient, "can you not begin at the fifteenth verse? What dos't matter if ye read it before?" "Aweel, then, the fifteenth verse, 'Now, when he'"

The birds fly upward in flocks, and fall down suffocated by the smoke; the animals flee, or, encircled by the fire, are consumed in it! Hear their cries and roars of agony! The howling of the wolf and the bear, dos't thou know it?

Hey, Sweetlips, here hussy, d n the tuoad, dos't n't know thy old measter? Ey, ey, thou may'st smell till Christmas, I'll be bound to be hanged, knight, if the creature's nose an't foundered by the d d stinking perfumes you have got among you."

"Dos't think I'm goin' to sit wi' my arms danglin', cos tha's got a parson for tea wi' thee?" he bawled. They were both angry, but she said nothing. The baby began to cry, and Mrs. Morel, picking up a saucepan from the hearth, accidentally knocked Annie on the head, whereupon the girl began to whine, and Morel to shout at her.