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Updated: August 16, 2024

Almost every month finds some new development in electronics which must be put into production in order to maintain our technical superiority and in order to save lives. We have to work every day to keep ahead of the enemy in radar. On D-Day, in France, with our superior new equipment, we located and then put out of operation every warning set which the Germans had along the French coast.

"Don't know the day, b-but if you mean the d-day Doug and D-Dic had their fight, I-I was up on B-Blue about halfway b-between Dic Bright's house and T-Tom Bays', at the step-off." Question. "What, if anything, occurred at that time and place?" Answer. "A f-fight damned bad one." Question. "Who fought?" Answer. "D-Doug Hill and D-Dic Bright." Question. "Now, Mr.

What's your h-h-hurry. R-r-rome wasn't built in a d-day, I g-g-guess." "Well, go ahead and have it out, because I can see you've got something on your mind. Now, what's eating you, Toby?" the other complained. "I only w-wanted to ask Max if it wouldn't be g-g-ood p-p-p-p" whistle "policy for us to mark the place where we leave the boats. There! do you get that, Bandy-legs?"

It sounded like D-Day at Normandy, and I didn't like the sound of it. I made a quick decision and slammed on the brakes, then backed the car back the way we had come. Sol looked at me. "What " "Local color," I explained quickly. "This the place you were talking about? Chris's? Let's go in and see if we can find some of these hoodlums." "But, Mr.

I thought I might do so, myself, so I took off my wet clothes, and spread them out in the sun. Then I went below, found my bag, brought it up on deck, and began to dress again. He went on, in the meantime, with his story. "Well, F-Father didn't c-c-confess his f-foul p-plot till the very d-day we were going to Big D-Duck. That was it was oh, when was it, S-S-Spike?"

"I-I love you, dearest," said Osborn in a tremulous voice. "You g-go out, and every d-day it's the same for me. All day I'm alone; and I loathe the work. Everything's always the same." "I wish I could give you a change, sweetheart," said Osborn, terribly harassed. She hated herself because she could not be generous, but somehow she could find no generous words to speak.

Almost every month finds some new development in electronics which must be put into production in order to maintain our technical superiority and in order to save lives. We have to work every day to keep ahead of the enemy in radar. On D-Day, in France, with our superior new equipment, we located and then put out of operation every warning set which the Germans had along the French coast.

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