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Updated: August 2, 2024

"To conclude this portion of our investigation therefore," cried Barbican, clearing his throat, and occupying Aldan's right ear, "the Moon's surface is a honey combed, perforated, punctured " "A fistulous, a rugose, salebrous, " cut in the Captain, close on the left. "And highly cribriform superficies " cried Barbican. "A sieve, a riddle, a colander " shouted the Captain.

He holds it to be essentially an inflammatory affection, attacking peculiarly the mucous membrane of the nose, and extending thence through the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bones to the interior part of the brain, and so giving rise to a derangement of the nervous system as a necessary consequence.

Their course is exceedingly short; and they have not a single anastomosis, in order that the impression made on them may be conveyed undisturbed and perfect to the brain. The olfactory nerve is a prolongation of the substance of the brain, and it abuts upon the cribriform bone, of which mention has been made.

Each of these anchors is jointed at its root into one end of a curious cribriform plate, in plain English, one pierced like a sieve, which lies under the skin, and reminds one of the similar plates in the skin of the White Cucumaria, which I will show you presently; and both of these we must regard as the first rudiments of an Echinoderm's outside skeleton, such as in the Sea-urchins covers the whole body of the animal.

There is some difficulty in describing the ethmoid bones; but we shall not, however, deviate far from the truth if we give the following account: A great number of small hollow pedicles proceed from and form around the cribriform plate; as they move downwards, they project into distinct vesicles or cavities, smaller and more numerous behind, fewer in number and larger in front; and each of them not a simple cavity, but more or less convoluted, while the long walls of those cells are of gossamer thinness, and as porous as gauze.

If to this is added, that the olfactory or first pair of nerves abut on these cribriform plates, and pass through their minute openings, and spread themselves over every one of these cells, we have a tolerably correct picture of this portion of the ethmoid bones. This nerve has different degrees of development in different animals, in proportion to their acuteness of smell.

There are nerves destined for sensations, that exercise and play in most of those pipes. The nose, which has no nerves for its sensation, has a cribriform, or spongy bone, to let odours pass on to the brain. Amongst the organs of these sensations the chief are double, to preserve to one side what the other might happen to be defective in by any accident.

As time goes on several points of suppuration appear, and when these burst there are formed a number of openings in the skin, giving it a cribriform appearance; these openings exude pus. The different openings ultimately fuse and the large adherent greyish-white slough is exposed.

There are forms of nasal disorder caused by larvae, which some native surgeons in India regard as a chronic and malignant ulceration of the mucous membranes of the nose and adjacent sinuses in the debilitated and the scrofulous. Worms lodging in the cribriform plate of the ethmoid feed on the soft tissues of that region.

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