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Ninna was a blue-eyed thing, at the tottering, tumbling age a fair solid, which, like a loaded die, found its base with a constancy that warranted prediction. Tessa went to snatch her up, and when Babbo was paying due attention to the recent teeth and other marvels, she said, in a whisper, "And shall I buy some confetti for the children?"

The air was heavy with the scent of may and of honeysuckle, and his way was a green-gold silver where the moon cascaded down the hedge and blue-black bridal-path, arched with scented swords, strewn with pink and rose and cream and white confetti of blossom.

There was, too, not quite unnoticed, the bridegroom; tall, of distinguished bearing, and with features that were clear cut and-to-day-rather pale. Then came the reception the "women and confusion" of Cyril's fears followed by the going away of the bride and groom with its merry warfare of confetti and old shoes.

In the plaza itself which is the heart of the town, and is usually kept with much pride and care the bronze statue of the vigorous Rough Rider Bucky O'Neil and his spirited charger seemed pathetically out of place among the litter of colored confetti and exploded fireworks, and the refuse from various "treats" and lunches left by the celebrating citizens and their guests.

Possibly we may not have received our fair share of these last salutes, for J had on a black mask, which made him look like an imp of Satan, and drew many volleys of confetti that we might otherwise have escaped. Only the young ought to write descriptions of such scenes. My cold criticism chills the life out of it. February 14th.

All the great signs were blazing, many in colors. And there was music in all the saloons and restaurants; it rose and fell with the noise of the tin horn and the hoot of the happy. The people in the windows here threw down not only confetti but flowers, and stacks at each elbow added to the mass of color.

"I mean the ragazza no evil in the world, Messere: ask this respectable company. I was only going to show them a few samples of my skill, in which this little damsel might have helped me the better because of her kitten face, which would have assured them of open dealing; and I had promised her a lapful of confetti as a reward. But what then?

Daddy! She hadn't called him that for years. He drew a long breath and followed slowly down. There was all the folly with that confetti stuff and the rest of it to go through with, yet. But he would like just to catch her smile, if she leaned out, though they would hit her in the eye with the shoe, if they didn't take care.

The great room, surrounded with boxes draped with the colors of Spain and filled with women splendidly dressed and jewelled, was very gay and inspiring, and the masques flung confetti and had a squib for everybody with a salient characteristic.

Then the light blazed again, flowers and confetti were thrown, and club servants in livery carried round trays of champagne. Clayton, standing glass in hand, surveyed the scene with a mixture of satisfaction and impatience. He found Terry Mackenzie at his elbow. "Great party, Clay," he said. "Well, here's to 1917, and may it bring luck." "May it bring peace," said Clayton, and raised his glass.