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The sounds which I had heard above now resolved themselves into their component parts, consisting of roars of laughter, snatches of songs, clinkings of glasses, and thumpings of bottles upon tables, to the accompaniment of a deep bass hum of conversation, all of which prepared me to find a very merry company within.

The Commandant, of course, presided at the vin d'honneur. His glance and his smile, his latent energy, would have inspired devotion in a wooden block. Every glass touched every glass, an operation which entailed some threescore clinkings.

A road, a field, a dull-hued cylinder pointing upward. Shapes of soft, bluish grey, topped like rounded roofs, unfolding out of a chink, and swaying off in a kind of run with little clinkings of equipment, for there were sounds, too. Two eyelike organs projecting upward, the pupils clear and watchful.

How many thousand clinkings of coin against coin in purse and pouch, how many hundred impacts of hands that long since are dust, have served to dim your once clear relief! Surely, Pallas, you have looked upon all this and much more. Shall I see aught with your eyes, lady of my Sergian denarius?

The old man was positive that the lady's lover had been chasing her with a knife; the wound on her face was a proof of it, in his opinion. A series of buzzings, tappings and clinkings came over the wire, with hints of far-distant unintelligible conversation.

Fortunate, indeed, did I think myself: I hastened to the door, groped in the dark to find the clinkings of the nails by which the lock was fastened, and discovered no very large piece of wood need be cut.

Hammerings and clinkings, with spurts of steam and fumes of hot oil, arose from her inside, and a figure in a striped jersey squatted on the engine-room gratings. "She ain't much of a war-canoe, but you'll see more life in 'er than on an whole squadron of bleedin' Pedantics." "But she's laid up here and Blue Fleet have gone," I protested. "Precisely.