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David listened spellbound to the entreating voice: "'Seven long years I served for thee, The glassy hill I clamb for thee, The bloody shirt I wrang for thee, And wilt thou not waken and come to me? But I'm thinking he never came back to the lady." "Oh, yes, he did, mammy," said Vala, confidently.

And he told her that a stranger was to marry the king's dochter, and showed her the man: and it was Nicht Nought Nothing asleep in a chair. And she saw him, and cried to him, 'Waken, waken, and speak to me! But he would not waken, and syne she cried, 'I cleaned the stable, I laved the loch, and I clamb the tree, And all for the love of thee, And thou wilt not waken and speak to me.

You'se to slip out frew de ole log-room heah you carn't git out frew de hall; fur yo' pap'll heah you, shore, kaze his door's open, an' you knows he allus sleeps wid one eye an' bofe years open. But you go inteh de log-room, an' clamb out by de windah. See! Heah's a rope I done mek outen bedclothes.

Pen, who has been a fortnight in the country, excuses himself for not having called sooner upon the Captain by frankly owning that he had not the heart to do it. "I understand you, sir," the Captain says; and Mrs. The young ones clamb about Stokes: the boy jumps into an arm-chair.

Odd, but she kent brawly hoo tae deal wi' her saumon that I will say for her! There was nae need for me tae bide closs by the side o' a leddy that had boastit there was na a fush in Spey she cudna maister, sae I clamb up the bank, sat doun on ma doup on a bit hillock, an' took the leeberty o' lichtin' ma pipe.