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I was big 'nough to draw water, an' put it in a tub an' wash Miss Mary, Miss Annie, an' Miss July. I had to keep 'em clean. I had to comb dey hair an' dey would holler an' say I pulled. I was tol' not to let anything hurt dem chulluns. "I slep' in de Quarters wid de other niggers. Befo' sunup I had to git to de Big House ter dress dem chulluns.

Pappy tol' him to whup him but not to stake him he'd stan' fer it wid'out de stakin' so I 'member he looked jes lak he was jumpin' a rope an' hollering', 'Pray Marser', ever time de strop hit 'im. "I neber got no whuppins frum Marse George 'cause he didn' whup de chulluns none. Li'l darky chullun played 'long wid white chullun.

I had one sister her name was Clara and one brudder his name was Jack. Dey said my pappy's name was George. I doan know. "Mammy said when I was jes big 'nough to nuss an' wash leetle chulluns, I was sol' to Marse Hiram Cassedy an' dat man give me ter his darter, Miss Mary, to be her maid. De Cassedys sho' was good people.

Lampton said I was de bes' driver of his team he ever had caze I kep' his team fat. "Afte I come back to Miss'ssippi I mar'ied a woman named Maggie Ransom. We stayed together 51 years. I niver hit her but one time. No ma'm, dat is somethin' I won't stand fer. "My old lady had seven chulluns dat lived to git grown. Two of 'em lived here in Magnolia an' de others gone North.

My mammy had to work in da house an' in de fiel' wid all de other niggers an' I played in de yard wid de little chulluns, bofe white an' black. Sometimes we played 'tossin' de ball' an' sometimes we played 'rap-jacket' an' sometimes 'ketcher. An' when it rained we had to go in de house an' Old Mistess made us behave.