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"I don't fancy wearing a gag and damned if I do!" cried the judge. "Oh, it ain't that exactly; it's just minding your own business. I reckon you'll find there's lot's to be said in favor of goin' ca'mly on attending strictly to your own affairs, sir," concluded Mr. Saul. Acting on a sudden impulse, the judge turned to the door. The business and the hope that had brought him there were forgotten.

"'Right yere in my war-bags, says Moon, 'awaitin' to make good for your tine an' talent an' trouble in revengin' my pore nephy's deemise by way of them insecks. An' Moon slaps his pocket as locatin' the dinero. "'Well, I don't get him, says Curly Ben ca'mly, settin' his glass on the bar.

The Red Dog sheet ain't a marker to Colonel Sterett's Coyote, an' it's the yooniversal idee in Wolfville, after ca'mly comparin' the two papers, that Colonel Sterett as a editor can simply back that Red Dog person plumb off the ground.

Nothin' common, though; I sees him one night when he sets ca'mly into some four-handed poker, five thousand dollars table stake, an' he's sanguine an' hopeful about landin' on his feet as a Cimmaron sheep. Of course times is plenty flush in them days, an' five thousand don't seem no sech mammoth sum. Trade is eager an' values high; aces-up frequent callin' for five hundred dollars before the draw.

"'These yere kin of Spencer's stands his absence ca'mly, an' no one hears of their settin' up nights, or losin' sleep, wonderin' where he's at. Which I don't reckon now they'd felt the least cur'ous concernin' him for they're as cold-blooded as channel catfish if it ain't that Spencer's got what them law coyotes calls a "estate," an' this property sort o' presses their hands.