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"My ship, now." Nevan stood. "Come along." Nevan scowled down at the unconscious businesser. He'd restricted his open questioning to Owajima's plans and next location his homeworld, not surprisingly but he'd done some questioning covertly as well, making comments about Owajima and reading the answers from his subject's face and body language.

"I am not available at the moment." "You have other employment?" "That's none of your concern." The businesser sat. "It is if your target is Kiyoshi Owajima, as I've heard. I have reason to want him . . . out of the picture." "Oh?" Nevan remained noncommittal, but allowed himself to show a trace of interest. "I understand he's an Imperial officer a dangerous target.

The man had confirmed an opinion Nevan had formed early: given the opportunity, he and Owajima could easily become friends. This man, for instance. He'd owed Owajima a debt, true, but it had been loyalty rather than obligation that had led him to help the way he had. Assuming he was successful in this mission, Nevan thought, he'd have to see the businesser got some sort of compensation.

Killing him would earn the death penalty or life imprisonment death, if done simply for pay. That's a foolish risk, when there are any number of almost riskless targets around." "I can tell you where he's going when he finishes his current mission." "Interesting, if true," Nevan acknowledged. "It's true," the businesser said. Reading his face and body language, Nevan agreed.

Nevan allowed himself a small smile, then went to get more chocolate milk. Not too promising so far, but he hadn't been here long, either. Perhaps half an hour after he returned to his table, another man approached, this one in an expensive suit. "Vance DarLowrie?" "Yes." Nevan recognized the type; a businesser who'd made enemies and wanted either protection or one of them eliminated.

The man knew, was eager to say and would report to Owajima as soon as he could. Nevan made himself look skeptical, which wasn't hard; this was obviously a setup. "Even if he were my target, which I do not say, I would want more than your unsupported word. Will you submit to truth drugs, or shall I use Sandeman methods?" "Torture, you mean." The businesser grimaced.

But an enemy would have no hesitation, and until he caught up with Owajima or was caught himself he was acting in that capacity. "If you are convinced Owajima is my target, and you wish to assist me in finding him, you will choose one. Otherwise, you will depart." The businesser looked angry, but Nevan could see he'd expected something of the sort. "The torture, then. When and where?"