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To this end, instead of following the usual plan of first "catching" the advertisement, and then requesting the author of the book to "puff" it, he only solicits advertisements from those firms that the author already deals with and here conscientiously recommends. T. J. Bilson & Co. I have dealt with this firm for some years with perfect satisfaction.

To even the mild and cow-like revenge is sweet. Though honestly distressed and scared, the speaker entertained a most consoling conviction she was at this moment getting even with Theresa Bilson and cleverly paying off old scores.

Nevertheless Miss Trotter married neither, and by the time Mr. and Mrs. Bilson had returned she had taken her holiday, and the Summit House knew her no more.

Not until the second bell was about to cease ringing did Theresa Bilson fussily consequential reappear at The Hard.

On the morning of that day, as Lord Marnell stepped out of his own house into the open air, with the intention of paying his usual visit to Margery, Abbot Bilson came up, radiant and smiling, and carrying under his arm a large parchment roll. "Ah, my very good Lord, well met! Whither away?" "I purpose to see Madge."

For once Soames did not 'change'; it was, perhaps, the first time in his life that he had sat down to dinner with soiled cuffs, and, not even noticing them, he brooded long over his wine. He sent Bilson to light a fire in his picture-room, and presently went up there himself.

Hearing which infectiously gay but quite unexpected sound, Miss Bilson stopped dead in the middle both of a nectarine and a sentence. "What is the matter, Damaris?" she exclaimed. "I was explaining our difficulty in securing sufficient conveyances for some of our party to and from Marychurch station. I really do not see any cause for amusement in what I said."

Thus, by operation of the fundamental irony resident in things, did Theresa Bilson, of all improbable and inadequate little people, become to the Miss Minetts as a messenger of the gods; exciting in them not only dim fluttering apprehensions of the glories of art and delights of foreign travel, but though in their determined gentility they knew it not of the primitive allurements and mysteries of sex.

Cooper and I are wondering, Miss," Mary took her up with so much meaning that Miss Bilson inwardly quailed, sensible of having committed a rather egregious blunder. This she made efforts to repair by sheering off hurriedly on another tack. "Not that I shall trouble Sir Charles with the matter, unless circumstances arise which compel me to do so as a duty.

To their reprehensible tendencies in this last respect the Miss Minetts could bear painful witness, as with hushed voices and entreaties the sorry tale might "go no further" they more than once confided to Theresa Bilson.