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Life and Times of St. Bernard James Augustus Cotter Morison, English essayist and historian, was born in London on April 20, 1832, and was the son of the inventor and proprietor of "Morison's Pills." His first years were spent in Paris, where he laid the foundation of his intimate knowledge of the French people.

"How!" cried Augustus; "you are mistaken, and I'll give you half a guinea to prove it." MacGrawler opened his eyes larger and larger, even as you may see a small circle in the water widen into enormity, if you disturb the equanimity of the surface by the obtrusion of a foreign substance. "Half a guinea!" said he; "nay, nay, you joke. I'm not mercenary. You think I am!

Mrs. Gerrard Pennington, in a similar garb, leaned an elbow on her desk, a dainty French trifle, and gazed, perhaps a bit wistfully, at Margaret Elizabeth's endearing young charms. "I am delighted that you like Augustus. He is a young man of sterling qualities. His mother and I were warm friends; I take a deep interest in him.

Such a Company appeared to him to be the one and only hope of regeneration for the ludicrous corps which Colonel Dearman commanded, and to change the metaphor, the sole possible means of leavening the lump by its example of high standards and high achievement. To Augustus, however, as to many other Englishmen, the idea was merely ridiculous and its parent simply absurd.

On the whole I think I prefer Mr. Goodall, though I am not certain. Here is the picture: At the top of a flight of steps and about two-thirds of the way across the picture, to the left, so as not to interfere with the view of Jerusalem, are three figures as Sir Augustus Harris might have set them were he attempting a theatrical representation of the scene. There is a dark man, this is St.

Hystaspes himself had been less conqueror than consolidator; the Augustus of the Achaemenids, greater at peace than at war; though great at that too, but not from land-frontiers; and indeed, had ample provocation, as those things go, for his punitive expedition that failed.

He relieves you, it is true, but of your money, not your malady; and the only branch of his profession in which he is an adept is that which enables him to bleed you! O mankind!" continued Augustus, "what noble creatures you ought to be! You have keys to all sciences, all arts, all mysteries, but one!

And yet the younger woman, when tempted with a bribe worth lies and tricks as deep and as black as Acheron, now stood on her dignity and her purity and stamped her foot with honest indignation! "I don't think you can understand it," said Lady Augustus. "I can understand this, that you have betrayed me; and that I shall tell him so in the plainest words that I can use.

He possessed many virtues, but economy was not one of them. The dismal castle of the Louvre, which had been the home of the French kings since the days of Philip Augustus, found no favour in his sight as a place of residence, and he quickly set about building the sumptuous Hôtel de St.

The Man who should do it, must do it from Rome: and Rome had first to be put into such condition as to be capable of being used. It devolved upon Augustus to do that first, or his greater work would be impossible. He had to win Rome to acquiescence in himself as Princeps. So his primary need was a personality of infinite tact; and that he possessed.