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The local name of the Roman stronghold-hill was -mons Tarpeius-. The enactment -ne quis patricius in arce aut capitolio habitaret-probably prohibited only the conversion of the ground into private property, not the construction of dwelling-houses. Comp. Becker, Top. p. 386.

The only means of remedy is that your Majesty should send religious from Castilla and those provinces of España in order that this province may lift its head and be reformed. The religious of the said order will write to your Majesty. There are very zealous ones among them, especially Fray Pedro de Arce, the late provincial, to whom entire credit may be given.

Arce, when collecting birds: it must have been a grand moment for Warscewicz when the horticultural world was convulsed by its appearance in bloom. Cattleya aurea had no adventures of this sort. Mr. Wallis found it in 1868 in the province of Antioquia, and again on the west bank of the Magdalena; but it is very rare.

The local name of the Roman stronghold-hill was -mons Tarpeius-. The enactment -ne quis patricius in arce aut capitolio habitaret-probably prohibited only the conversion of the ground into private property, not the construction of dwelling-houses. Comp. Becker, Top. p. 386.

Padre Luis Coloma, a Jesuit, obtained a good deal of attention at one time by his Pequeñeces, studies, written in gall, of Madrid society. His stories are too narrowly bigoted in tone to have any lasting vogue, and his views of life too much coloured by his ultramontane tendencies to be even true. Nuñez de Arce is, like so many Spaniards of the last few decades, at once a poet and a politician.

During the provincialate which has just come to an end, that of Fray Pedro Arce, some reforms were accomplished as a result of his good example, for he is a friar who follows the rules of his order very scrupulously; but as he had no one to carry this beginning to perfection, for lack of friars such as himself, he did not achieve what he desired.

In other respects the mass is similar to that of the Papal chapel . Morcelli in his calendar in summing up the ceremonies of this day, having mentioned the station at S. John Lateran's, the baptism of Jews and Turks, and mass in the papal chapel, says that at the Gloria, tonitrus tormentorum ab Arce fiunt, Æra templorum ac Turium sonant.

The large lyre, called lirone perfetto, or arce violyra, was in structure like the bass of the viola da gamba, but that the body and the neck on account of the numerous strings were somewhat wider. Some had twelve, some fourteen and some even sixteen strings, so that madrigals and compositions both chromatic and diatonic could be performed and a fine harmony produced.

"Frigida Francisci lapis hic tegit ossa Petrarcae; Suscipe, Virgo parens, animam; sate Virgine, parce Fessaque jam terris Coeli requiescat in arce."

Accordingly, on June 11th, Lieutenant Frémont, assisted by Captain Merritt and fourteen of the settlers, had attacked and captured an escort of horses destined for General Castro's troops Lieutenant Arce, fourteen men, and two hundred horses remaining in his hands as the trophies of his victory.