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When I understood, as I was not long in doing, that each was in certain ways genuinely afraid of the other, I knew that the problem must always be far beyond my own little powers. As to Little Arcady at large, some aspects of this complication were simpler than they appeared to me; others were more obscure.

With a gallant show of anticipation, a sprig of geranium in his lapel, he set out for the train on that fateful morning, while Little Arcady awaited his return with a cordial curiosity. It was a gray day of damp air and a dull, thick sky bearing down upon the earth a day conducive to forebodings.

"I am better now, and my father desired me to take the air with him." "We return to Westover to-morrow," said that sprightly gentleman. "Evelyn is like David of old, and pines for water from the spring at home. It also appears that the many houses and thronged streets of this town weary her, who, poor child, is used to an Arcady called London! When will you come to us at Westover, Marmaduke?"

And his third, it came when he was tired of waiting for some solution of his second, was an embarrassed realization that he would be obliged to take his unexpected guest home to its mother. And the quiet town of Arcady rocked upon its foundations as he did it. "In the church," marveled Mrs. Buckley. "How careless of Mary!" she apologized, and "How good of you!" she smiled.

Pray accept this author's copy with his best and hopefullest wishes. One other copy has been sent to the book reviewer of the Arcady Lyre, in the hope that he, at least, will have the wit to perceive in it that ultimate and ideal perfection for which the humbler bards have hitherto striven in vain. "Sincerely and seriously yours,

The stage became a cheery workshop, where ambition flourished and kindness was the rule. For thus did the starry happiness that glowed within the beatific bosom of the little "ingenue" make Arcady around her. At four o'clock Talbot Potter stepped to the front of the stage and lifted his hand benevolently. "That will do for to-day," he said, facing the company. "Ladies and gentlemen, I thank you.

The hills and dales in the Green Park are perfect their artificiality is their beauty. There's one bit that I like especially. 'Which is that? 'The bit by Buckingham Palace where the sheep feed; the trees there are beautiful, large spreading trees, and they give the place a false air of Arcady. But in a picture it wouldn't do. 'Why? 'I can't say.

We have progressed through the ages, despite our cheerful cups of wine; and though of course a few imbeciles have dropped from the line, the rest of us have been none the worse in fact, sometimes a little better for our occasional libations. Let anyone deny this who has ever, for a moment even, been in Arcady!

Some such pair is in the foreground of every famous American landscape; and when I think of the amount of public love-making in the season of pleasure-travel, from Mount Desert to the Yosemite, and from the parks of Colorado to the Keys of Florida, I feel that our continent is but a larger Arcady, that the middle of the nineteenth century is the golden age, and that we want very little of being a nation of shepherds and shepherdesses.

"You boy!" said Mary, not very clearly. "Oh yes," he returned. "But it's true especially my knees!" "You boy!" she murmured again, blushing charmingly. "You might read another line over. The first time I ever saw you, Bibbs, you were looking into a mirror. Do it again. But you needn't read it I can give it to you: 'A little Greek slave that came from the heart of Arcady!"