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This disorder, so different from the original type, evidently approximates to the modern chorea; or, rather, is in perfect accordance with it, even to the less essential symptom of laughter. A mitigation in the form of the Dancing Mania had thus clearly taken place at the commencement of the sixteenth century. On the communication of the St.

The main characteristic of this state of mind is to exaggerate one's disappointments while ignoring one's moments of happiness. It approximates very closely to the old fable of the crumpled rose-leaf breaking the rest of the sybarite on his couch of silk. He has no thought of taking satisfaction or pleasure in the luxury that surrounds him.

This disorder, so different from the original type, evidently approximates to the modern chorea, or rather is in perfect accordance with it, even to the less essential symptom of laughter. A mitigation in the form of the dancing mania had thus clearly taken place at the commencement of the sixteenth century. On the communication of the St.

At present, it is not found in the territory of the United States proper, except in remote and solitary situations, among the mountains, or in some tracts still unsettled. Even where found in these places, its mode of life approximates more to that of the European species; that is, it burrows instead of builds. The beaver has been long reputed as the most sagacious of quadrupeds.

The property of the household, which consists chiefly in cattle, is administered by the house-father; the surplus is distributed according to the family-branches. Private acquisitions by industry and trade remain separate property. Under such circumstances, which are probably not very widely different from the earliest Roman conditions, the household approximates in character to the community.

Printing presses have spread a noisy assertiveness, as well as a very critical and litigious spirit, which tends to resent and oppose authority. Although no complete statistics are available there is reason to believe that the number of peri-odicals in China now approximates 10,000, the daily vernacular newspapers in Peking alone exceeding 60.

Candidates for admission to the secondary schools must be over 12 years of age, and have completed the second year's course of the higher primary school. There are about three hundred of the secondary schools in existence a number, as will be seen, six times as large as that obliged to be established by law. The pupils number over a hundred thousand and the cost approximates £500,000.

Thus there seems abundant reason to conclude, that the mode of procedure above exemplified, closely approximates to the true one.

This imperfect enclosure extends 97 miles from N. to S., and about 88 miles from E. to W., and in shape approximates to that of a rhombus with curved sides. One of the most prominent bright craters on its border is Hipparchus G, on the W. Another, of about the same size, is Hipparchus E, on the N. of Horrocks.

In one respect, however, they have an advantage over direct proofs, from the fact that the mode of arguing by contradiction, which they employ, renders our understanding of the question more clear, and approximates the proof to the certainty of an intuitional demonstration. The true reason why indirect proofs are employed in different sciences is this.