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Updated: August 24, 2024

When the anitos did not arrive at the accustomed time Kanag went out of the caldron and said to his sister, "Now, my sister, I will take you to Kadalayapan. Our father and mother do not know that I have a sister. Do not stay always with the anitos" His sister replied, "I cannot go to Sudipan when no one is making balaua, for I always make dawak as the anitos taught me.

When Kanag saw the young men below the house fighting about her, he took her again into the air so that the young men could not see her. As soon as they arrived in the air they met the anitos, and Kanag said to them, "I intended to keep my sister in Sudipan, for I had made a little golden house for her to live in, but I have brought her back, for all the young men are fighting about her."

They have now satisfied themselves that quinine for malaria, salvarsan for yaws, and other effective remedies for common ailments are more useful and more readily obtained than was the helpful intervention of the anítos, or spirits of the dead, while the methods and results of modern surgery are a source of unending amazement and satisfaction to them.

Not long after she gave birth, and the anitos went to get the little baby and flew away with it. They used their power so that the baby grew fast and it was a girl, and they taught her how to make dawak. Not long after the girl knew how to make dawak, and every time she rang the dish to summon the spirits.

The devil, who slumbers not, seized the opportunity of this malady to sow the seeds of error among some wretched old women, his ministers saying that at first the God of Castile had vanquished their anitos, but that the latter were now the conquerors, and were chastising the people for having abandoned them.

Their oaths, execrations, and promises are all as above mentioned, namely, "May buhayan eat thee, if thou dost not speak truth, or fulfil what thou hast promised," and similar things. There were no temples throughout those islands, nor houses generally used for the worship of idols; but each person possessed and made in his house his own anitos, without any fixed rite or ceremony.

Other carved objects were statuettes, sitting and standing; these are anitos, frequently buried in the rice-paddies to make the crop good; besides, there were wooden spoons with human figures for handles, the bowls being symmetrical and well finished. Then there were rice-bowls, double and single, some of them stained black and varnished.

Slaughter is so great the father swims in blood, but son stands on it. Both return home and hold a great celebration over the heads. The father's spittle is lapped up by a frog which becomes pregnant. Frog gives birth to baby girl which is carried away by anitos. Her half brother hears her, changes self into a bird and visits her in the sky. Is hidden in a caldron to keep anitos from eating him.

There was one, of the sea, who had care of their fishing and navigation; another of the house, whose favour they implored at the birth of a child, and under whose protection they placed it. They made Anitos also of their deceased ancestors, and to these were their first invocations in all difficulties and dangers.

But it was far more than a few parasangs by the trail, for we had to go completely around the head of the valley, mostly on the same contour. Andangle itself is barely more than a name, but we found here a house of bamboo and palm fresh built for us, tastefully adorned with greens and plants, and protected by anitos, resembling those of Kiangan.

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