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Updated: August 2, 2024

Of the seventy-two islands allocated to eleven Bahá’í National Assemblies no less than sixty-four have opened their doors to the vanguard of Bahá’í Crusaders, leaving Spitzbergen and Anticosti Island, situated respectively in the North Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean, Nicobar Islands, Cocos Island and Chagos Archipelago in the Indian Ocean, and Loyalty Islands, Sakhalin Island and Hainan Island in the Pacific Oceanone of which is a native reserve, two of which are within the Soviet orbit, while four others are either privately owned or controlled by private companiesas yet unopened by the heroic band battling for the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh.

I think the Italians would have accepted this arrangement even though they had been allocated the worst viewing positions had it not been for the actions of a couple of Brits who started a call of "Baa, Baa, Baa." This was soon taken up by the rest of the Brits until the place sounded like a farmyard at shearing time.

In addition to the total price for the work, these bids, by common custom, give the names of the chief sub-contractors such as plumber, electrician and the like, with the amount of money allocated for the work of each. On a set day, usually a Saturday afternoon, owner and architect meet, open the bids, and compare the offers made by the various contractors.

Forty four years later some of the younger generation of operators who had not heard of this early activity from Crete allocated the prefix SV9 to the island. Rather illogically they allocated SV8 to all the other islands irrespective of their geographical position and with yet another exception SV5 for the twelve Dodecanese islands.

I read: "We regret to report the sudden death from apoplexy of Dr. Adolf Grundt, an inspector of secondary schools. The deceased was closely connected for many years with a number of charitable institutions enjoying the patronage of the Emperor. His Majesty frequently consulted Dr. Grundt regarding the distribution of the sums allocated annually from the Privy purse for benevolent objects."

John become, that in 1133 Alfonzo, King of Navarre and Arragon, who called himself Emperor of Spain, carried his zeal so far as to bequeath to the knights his kingdoms of Navarre and Arragon: this, however, was naturally and hotly contested in these places, and Raimond Dupuy, who attended a Council to regulate the matter, was content to compromise on certain lands and benefits being allocated to those whom he represented.

Their task is a twofold one. On the one hand, they must strive to consolidate, by every means in their power, the work already accomplished in their homelands; on the other they must initiate the meritorious task of opening the virgin territories and islands allocated to them in pursuance of the provisions of the Ten-Year Plan committed to their charge.

Over twofold increase in the number of languages into which Bahá’í literature is translated, printed or in process of translationforty in Asia, thirty-one in Africa, ten each in Europe and America, to be allocated to the American, British, Indian and Australian Bahá’í communities, including for the most part those into which Gospels have been already translated.

The Finance Member, who lays down the annual amount that can be allocated to railway expenditure out of revenue, cuts the cloth of the Railway Board in accordance not so much with the needs of the railways themselves as with the requirements of his annual budget.

He was just in orders then, and so you were good enough to put him into the living that is to say, not exactly into the living; but to make him curate, as it were; and you allocated the income to me; and " "Allocated the income!" said Lord Stapledean, putting up his hands in token of unlimited surprise. "Yes, my lord.

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